A stage for performances

Started by tropic, July 27, 2010, 01:49:44 AM

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My suggestion is to put a stage somewhere in the game where bards can perform for a scripted audience for a little bit of gold each reset.

So say they perform and roll over 20, say give them like 15-20 gold. And if they roll under 10 have them get pelted with fruit. These are just arbitrary numbers to illustrate the idea.

They can also promote themselves via sending so players who would be interested in something like that can go watch and tip if they approve.

We have scripted pickpocketing already, and this will help differentiate bards who take ranks in perform (especially since in EfU its no longer required to do so) and actually want to write and share original material.


I'd love to see the Velvet Theater opened up like this.

NPC could make a pre-scripted sending about the person performing soon if PCs wanted to show up, and based on Performance skill or otherwise a certain amount of NPCs would show up to sit.

Another performance or charisma or otherwise check could be done to see how much coin they got, in the form of an end dialogue

"Well..That was an interesting performance..."

[Perform] How'd I do?

"SPECTACULAR! Come back sometime next week!"

"We've had better. Try to brushen up"

"...Get out'.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Drakill Tannan

EDIT: I've chaned my mind.

I only support this if it is changed, it is worthless to act before an NPC audience without a DM because honestly solo RP is best done in daydreams, where you have no limitations. What i think would be cool, would be to make a tool for bards to make performances that looked more flashy and drew more attetnion to PCs.

If such spots had, for example, braizer placables that could be turned on and off, switches that allowed different shafts of light placeables to appear, and such kind of effects, and add it so NPCs nerby react to the performance depedning on your perform/entertainment check, if it is high they will emote going mad and clapping, while if it is low they'll throw rotten fruit at you, this makes perforamnces more fun to watch, therefore drawing PCs and DMs to see this.

This also allows a bard PC to increse their experience through non-combat, wich makes sence. Make it so you can click an OOC placable that rolls a combined mix of perform + entertainment(efuss) + bard levels, this can be done once per reset on each mayor area, maybe one in each mayor town, and gives a base XP reward plus an extra if the roll is high, additionally, this bonus should be incresed the more PCs are witnessing the event, with no PCs, it should give minimal XP at best, and it should increse exponentially, so that a bard PC is encouraged to promote his act and bring other PCs to espectate his show so he gets a decent XP. This makes it involving to ther players.

If this is the aim of the stages suggested, then i think it's an amazing idea.


I like RwG's implementation. Simple and to the point. it's not worthless to RP in front of NPCs, you still get to show off. It's just like any other solo quest. I think though, to restrict it from people spamming it without any good RP, make it automatically have you make a sending "broadcasting" your act, so you feel obligated to emote something cool. This also means players hear it even if they can't turn up. I've performed over the sending system before on bards, when I've wanted to do a big act.