New player; need friends.

Started by Sobrac, June 21, 2010, 06:41:46 PM

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Greetings everybody. I'm a new player and I just set foot on the island, I wandered about and did some quests but I feel rather lonely. I assume that like all servers I played before, I would try and join a group or guild, I don't mind rerolling a new character so that is not an issue. If you'd be willing to accept a newbie in your ranks and teach me about EfU along the way while we have some fun IG, then please contact me.



Welcome to the Island!!!!!!!

By all means, send me a tell with questions whenever I'm IG (I'm currently playing Simon de Veraux).

My only advice to you as a new player, is basically to talk to everyone. Most of the time, people can see and understand you are a new player, and will be open to helping you. And if they shun you, it's likely due to their concept, so just keep chatting away, and I'm sure you'll make friends soon enough.

I'd also recommend logging onto the #EFU IRC chatroom. And we say this every time new players join, but ignore the majority of the BS and profanity that is spewed there, and ask away. You'll find most people will mature right up if they realise you're truly a new player looking for help!


Welcome. Feel free to PM me with any questions you have.


Always looking for new blood to join the Transcendent Conclave, one of the prime faction bodies of EFU. Feel free to hit me up through a PM or find me on Caius Drayden if you like to learn some of what we're about. And welcome :)


Welcome to EfUA! We're all friends here and we want new friends ;)

Joining factions is a quick way to get rolling with people.

Don't hesitate to ask us for stuff. Everyone here's willing to help.


As said above, we are all more than willing to help out IG or out.  Just send a tell and we will see what we can do.

My bit of advise; To start, join a 'player' faction.  They don't require an application which can be intimidating to old players as well as new.

There are some excellent Player Factions about right now.  Look around IG, find one that seems to interest you and then seek to join it.


"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals

Listen in Silence



Rule No.1

Everything That Ninelives says is a filthy lie.

Rule No.2

Get in IRC, you not only meet a bunch of awesome people, but you'll get a chance to learn whats going on in game at the moment, and the best places to try your luck.

Good look on the Archipelago, you're going to need it :D


This player was just killed by a griefer. I am not kidding. We never get griefers, and when we get one, he takes out this guy. Please show him some extra love, EfU:A.


The two best things you can do as a new player, I truly believe this: Join IRC and join a faction. Any faction, even a player faction. It's one of the best things about EfU:A.

Glad to see you here, even though I don't know you yet. If you need somebody to go over an application before you send it in, or if you want an honest opinion on your character concept, let me know. That's what I do!

Sorry about the griefer dude.



Welcome to the server.

If you see names here on the forums, typically they are active in the game as well. Feel free to ask anyone here questions about the setting.

Sorry about the griefer attack you apparently suffered, thats an extreme rarity here.

Joe Desu

Welcome, welcome.

I think I may have met you but I am not sure, people are very helpful if you ask, so ask.

AKA Nandemo


Welcome! If you were really just straight up killed by someone that is an exceptional rarity. Please don't judge the server on such and I'm sure everyone is more than willing to keep you trucking.