Remove the Kingsman Waitress.

Started by Lumiere, May 15, 2010, 10:15:02 AM

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She doesn't add anything useful to the setting and her questions interupts conversations and the flow of text that follows when she talks to NPCs makes it difficult to follow your own conversations.
Please remove, or silence her!
Her use of Bonjure is an additional annoyance.

Winston Martin

She does not care that you don't want to be bothered again.

The Boom King

Please kill the waitress; I don't like her.


She has been fired.


But +1 Howland points to whoever first finds her IG...


Touch of Class? >_>

Drakill Tannan

Lumiere you ass...


I personally don't mind the waitress she adds a sense of realism to the game. But thats just my opinion.

Drakill Tannan

It does, the problem is that normally, if you are in the kingsmans, you are talking to other PCs. That the waitress talks so much makes the conversation hard to follow in the lower left bar.


Hanging out on Tart's Parade with the other prostitute. Gimme my point.

Dr Dragon

Shes in the back of the Wanton Wastrel next to  a blonde Prostitute.

Why was she fired?


I...I feel bad for her now :|

Winston Martin


This is why I play here.


She's now the bathroom attendant and cleans up the hole where any non-human race goes to shit in.