Ryldarra Vega (lots of images)

Started by Lulzebub, May 06, 2010, 04:13:29 PM

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Cruzel told me once that it was easy to spot my characters, since I always play women who think they're men. So, I decided to roll with it and that's how I came up with this PC.

The concept:

Ryldarra came to the colony to get away from her stepfather, Orton Vega, a slave trader who "adopted" her, more or less as a slave, to cover for the fact that his wife had slept with a drow. She disguised herself as one of the Dreamers, and kept up that pretense for quite some time after arriving.

She met quite a few interesting people, and witnessed many significant events.

This just cracked me up. Nice job, badcompany.

How I met Ogreribbit...

... and how he met his end.

The death of Quiet John, the only male who ever hit on Ryldarra and had any remote chance of getting with her. He was, after all, the son of a Lord.

She committed some wicked deeds.

She also had some amazing adventures.

Behold, the power of Color Spray.

Believe it or not, this is not what killed her.

Utter hilarity.

If there is any screenshot that perfectly sums up this character, it's this one. Unfortunately, it needed to be heavily redacted to prevent spoilers.

Big props to VanillaPudding for giving her a good ending (as well as for providing this screenshot). I asked for a last request, and she allowed me to address the crowd in the docks.

Unfortunately, that didn't turn out so well for me.

Yes, I have way too much time on my hands. I'm still looking for a job, if anyone's hiring.
Quote from: EFUSLThis character was created on Tuesday, April 13th, 2010 at 12:32:19 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 68 times.
The character has spent 8 days, 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 19 seconds online.

And with that, I bid you all adieu, until my next concept.



A very interesting PC, for what little time we got to spend!


Very nice! Miss her already...


Good stuff. Some very nice screenshots, too!


Lovely screenshots and a fine PC.


I had an awesome time dealing with Vega, even if there was an unusual tension because of how different our characters were. Cool stuff, good evil times.



Never once met here, but lithe buxom ebony skinned chicks roll well in my book, yo. Good call on clothing by the way, it will make males do what 30 Charisma can't even achieve.


She inspired me to play buxom character next.
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip


Fun character to interact with, sadly we weren't able to cause some evil together.

Look forward to your next one!


Quote from: SanTelmo;181294She inspired me to play buxom character next.

Then I'd say she was an unqualified success.




I was hoping we could be friends :(