Drunken Haze

Started by Drakill Tannan, April 10, 2010, 11:56:53 PM

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Drakill Tannan

I have to say i am a bit disapointed with this feat. I was hoping it would be more usefull, thus more of an incentive to be used on battle often, but the healing is too little (3Hp) and the temporal hitpoints almost irrelevan (1Hp) and really, it's just for the show: they don't help much. Sure, it's cheaper healing than buying cure minor wounds potions, but you can't drink too many or the DC goes up to 30 and you can't drink any more... i was hoping better liquor would give better bonuses, but that doesn't appear to happen.

I think it should be adjusted, more than giving healing, it should give a small bonus, but still significative. +1 AB and +2 saves vs fear for a small amount of time, dependant on the quality of the ale (watered ale something like 3 rounds, 40gp ale for like, a couple turns) so a PC is actually hoping to find/buy ale and use it in the battlefield to earn a small advantage.


o look there's a fire giant coming to smash us. I'll just grab my trusty drow azure wine and beat the piss out of it easy!


o look every perk has to have mechanical benefits


These perks are to add flavor, not be equal to feats or abilities.  The more powerful ones replace existing abilities such as Turn Undead or Bard Song.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


If you have low HP (wizard, rogue, bard, sorc) it really does help a lot. If it's improved, AB is probably the last thing it should have. If anything, drinking should make your AB worse.

Drakill Tannan

Maybe the AB is too much, you're right in that.

However, i thought the intention of this perk was to have fighters drinking in the middle of the battle, to represent their drunken-fighter nature. Considering when you need the healing you'll probably opt to drink a -real- healing potion, and how expensive it will be to keep drinking ale, for nothing of worth, i dobut it will be used much.

My drunken barbarian uses ale now that he has drunken haze, as much as he did before getting it. There is no incentive to do so.

Plus, it looks ridiculous to swing 5 bottles of ale in 12 seconds just so they can do something.

I just wish more costly liquiors would give some good bonuses, for example, turnip Vodka could give +8 initiative and +5% movement speed, for a turn, or something. This way, a drunken fighter would not forghet to use it before battle, because it is usefull, and it would become a more usual aspect of the character.

Egon the Monkey

The temporary HP gain is so minor that the risk of an AoO or the wasted round outweighs it, and it lasts such a short time you can't use it as a prebuff. All the perks *do* have some mechanical benefits to encourage using them to highlight an aspect of your character.

As Drakill points out, if this is meant to have PCs RPing being continually drinking, it needs to be worth it to do so. Otherwise you may as well take another perk and just booze because the PC would anyway. It's cheaper than Cure Minors sure, but it doesn't really reflect a "drunken haze" so much as a "drunken postcombat healing chugfest". 2gp Aid pots would be crazy though.

Perhaps a change to increase the benefits of Drunken Haze, but also the downsides. Apply a persistent penalty of -1 Universal Saves and skills, but +2 to saves and skills while drunk?.  Then, your PC has to be drunk to be at his most effective, but the longer he keeps drinking the more likely he is to fail and keel over. Consider an  alcoholic rogue who takes a chug from his hipflask to "steady his nerves" before disarming that Deadly trap? PCs having this would walk the line between being useful and being too pissed to do the job. That's some good RP right there.

Drakill Tannan

I'd like to see something that affects combat as well, preferably if it would be seen graphically and prominently. A speed increse and always attacking first might achive this, the perk doesn't have to be too strong in it's mechanical effect, but it should be easily identifable and usefull enough for a PC not to fogthet to use it every once in a while.

+2 skills sounds exelent for the rogue, but won't do much for a barbarian, less we're talking about resisting taunt/knockdown (or taunting people) Perhaps both? +2 skills +5% movement increse and some initiative bonus?


What out a +1 competency bonus to atk and skill rolls, and a -1 when not under the effects of beer? Similar to the inspiration of a bard song.


Just live with the fact that not every perk has some awesome mechanical benefit. Don't think it should give x bonus because you interpret it in some bizarre way.

Drakill Tannan

If the perk offers no reason to be taken, why is it even there? It doesn't even have a good visual effect, so it changes nothing.

Remove it and gimme a refund then, i'll take bloody mess.

Winston Martin

lol i am glad i read this thread gg


Quote from: Winston Martin;177613lol i am glad i read this thread gg

I share the same feeling


There should be a random chance that each time you drink, you accidentally the bottle.


Quote from: Drakill Tannan;177384My drunken barbarian uses ale now that he has drunken haze, as much as he did before getting it. There is no incentive to do so.

This is where your reasoning goes wrong.
You're not supposed to be taking the perk so that your character can take up drinking and have a benefit.
You're supposed to take the perk because it adds a slight benefit to the fact that your character drinks all the time.
In other words, this perk is not an incentive to drink, drinking is an incentive to take this perk.