Expertise mode

Started by Drakill Tannan, April 07, 2010, 04:33:55 PM

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That Expertise 'lag' scrap has nothing to do with ping. I too play at 400+ ping (also in Australia). Its just the weird way it works.


Patience and timing are the key to Expertise.  If you're thinking a few moves ahead, it's devastatingly effective, particularly combined with several other feats/abilities available to characters.

Just gotta practice and get used to how it works!
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


It does not activate until the beginning of the next round, I believe. So it will always take time.


well this certainly explains many many untimely deaths.


Generally, if you're a defencive PC, don't charge into battle then use expertise - let them come to you. It gives you the time to switch to expertise, and not having to move, you therefor won't disable it.
Done. Fix.