Character Bio Forums

Started by GoblinSapper, April 03, 2010, 03:13:38 PM

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I understand everyone is completly against the idea of metagaming. But, a forum where we could post information we WANT people to know, and longer physical descriptions would be helpful. A good example is my bard, Katalyn, who at first glance appears to just be silly. In actuality she suffers from a real condition known as Synthesia, as well as several real thought process disorders. People might not realize that though and think the character is just completly redonkulous an innappropriate for the setting, from her behavior. If they think the character is still, thats fine mind you, but if people think i'm not roleplaying well or realistically that reflects on me.
Plus, I don't like writing huge character descriptions in game, a forum would be useful for that.


Use the journal forum?