Funeral of Yema, Oraso and Haevn

Started by scrappayeti, February 14, 2010, 07:12:13 AM

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It started with a few words from Adeladle:

  Thank you all again for coming.
  I thought I would start with a short speech. Then any who wish to come forward with a eulogy may do so.
  Then we will lay them to their rest, far from the hands of the Nightrisers or other necromancers.
  Let me speak on all of them separately, but before I do, I will speak of the nature of their death.
  It has been said my many, that the death of these three lays upon my shoulders alone.
  It has been said that without my rash actions, Yema would not have been fighting necromancers in the Gobsquat.
  And Haevn and Vicitius would not have tried to free us, and likewise would be alive today.
  And to those people?
  I say you are correct.
  The death of these three lies upon no shoulders than my own.
  And when I face Arvoreen eye to eye in the afterlife, I will bear that weight without denial.
  For these three were not just normal people.
  Each one was special. Special and unique.
  Let me speak first of Haevn.
  Haevn was the first person in the colony who actually told me the truth.
  When I was lost and confused, it was her who explained what the Syndicate did, and how I could be a part of that.
  To be accepted without prejudice or hate into a circle of learning? That was her gift to me.
  And for her long wait in Kelemvor's waiting room, I hope this will pass her time. A little reading material to take with her....
  *lays the book on her coffin*
  And Oraso.
  Never was a man born more in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  A man of pure compassion. A man who would dedicate his life to the art of positive magic.
  His study reflecting the nature of is personage. He was a pure man, who struggled against the horrors of the world.
  In another place, another time, I think he would have been a perfect priest, such was his desire to teach, learn, heal and study.
  But he came to Toril as you saw him, and he left with his head held high. His courage matching his learning and wisdom.
  And so for you, Oraso, something to keep with you as you go.
  *places a purple crystal on his coffin*
  Yema Swordweaver....
  *struggles for a moment, his face turned downward, his fingers pressed against his closed eyes*
  Yema. My saviour, my redemption, my moral compass.
  I came here as all of us did, uncertain, afraid and suddenly alone.
  Of all the people here, he was the one beacon of hope. The one who lent me a shoulder to lean on when times were at their toughest.
  *pauses again, looking away, his face covering his hand*
  Yema... I hope you forgive me for leaving your side. I hope that all will be forgiven and forgotten when we meet again in the realm of Yondalla.
  And so for you, although purely ceremonial, I know you would want them for your long journey.
  *crosses two short swords on the coffin*

Then Xeral

QuoteThis is so.
There are many words one can use in such a situation.
"Tragedy", "Horror", "Shameful display by traitors".
These words would be wrong.
Oraso was the first I spoke to of the conclave. We spoke of magical theory and application. Of his work and his pursuits.
He lived as a good man, as said by the Sahibette, but he did not die as one.
A good man, how you say-"Cares for his family".
He brings in coin.
What he does not do, is disobey that which he has devoted his life to-
For a friend.
Such are the actions of a rather great man, Sahibette.
Despite our orders, despite our superior's wish for you to see to your fate, The Caliphar risked life and limb. For you.
The Stygians stole a great man from us all, Sahib, and a great friend from you.
The Consort Haevn-
She did what any would. She gave her life, and her purpose, and her dreams, and her pursuits.
A Consort to the end, she fought for her Caliphar. Against the Stygians.
The Stygians whom vastly outskilled her, who had beaten and slain many.
How you say -"Courageous", to stand as she did against them.
o many words to be said to him.
He was the only one. The only to attempt to stand before me for my pursuits.
As sure as I am an Al-Reja, he was as the Caliphar said, a "Moral compass"
The Bonding had changed the Caliphar from a meddling researcher to a
Consort Yema made Adeladle a better man.
At times perhaps more impulsive, but a man not afraid to act upon his beliefs.
For that he has my tha-

(at the end he was cut off by a hasty Adeladle, eager to move proceedings along)

Then Conrad

QuoteWalther 'Conrad:  Thank you, Adeladle.
 *closes his eyes for a moment.... pausing... before opening them and speaking, looking across the audience*
 I cannot say I knew Yema very well.... and while Oraso and I were friends... I think that he was done more justice than I could do him... I would speak of Haevn
 Haevn... came to this island without any memory... confused about who she was... and why she was here.
 She, unlike most of us, did not carry the baggage that we all did from her former lives... instead, she made this place her home... and treated it as such, taking on the burdens that many held, even when they could not.
 She joined the honorable Lord Greywood in his quest to see good done in The Colony... and after he fell... and the civil war had ended... she approached me to leave its service... for she worried about the orphans left from the war
 She looked after the orphans as her own, reading them stories, singing them songs... she brought them happiness that they would not have found otherwise.
 She then was approached by Oraso... about making the bond that connects all Caliphar and Consort... and despite not knowing many of the risks, she took it anyway, for she knew that she would be able to accomplish greater deeds with the man that lays here next to her now
 She saw to it that the Syndicate remained a bastion of knowledge, free from any influence, and further, with Oraso, tried to move The Conclave toward a path that would benefit not only themselves, but every man, woman, and child that lived in The Colony
 That... is the story that would be told of her deeds... *smiles a bit softly* However... I loved a woman much more than the good things she accomplished... For her voice was inspiring, as if listening to a water nymph sereanding amongst the forest... and her skin was like that of the finest pearls, I would tell her u.
 She was an honest woman... who spoke what she thought. She often grew angry with those that sought to weave discord, and would let them know such. Often we would speak alone about the events of the day, and she'd have to be calmed for all the passion she had about the events going on about her
 That was what was truely loveable about Haevn... She was.... *breathes lightly* Pure. What you saw... was what she was. A beautiful woman... in heart, flesh, and soul. One that I am proud to admit to love.
 She came to this place bereft of any memory, but she leaves instead... in the memory of all of Ymph. May everyone remember the kind person that was Haevn, and all that she tried to accomplish here. Let her live on in our memories, and see our deeds done.

Then Hornraven

QuoteTch, I would wish a word.
*Lifts his helm, glancing at those before him*
These people that now lay beside me I consider the deepest of friends. We had traversed the depths and survived, fought against darkness and won.
Yema was a fine halfling and I ask all of his kin to follow in his footsteps, his front against the risers shall be remembered by me as should it everyone of you.
Haevn and Oraso were proud members of our Colony, I even ventured as far as the underdark with them. Their goal being to search for information or aid for us when we returned...if this was ever truly completed I do not know..
What I do know is that, despite all we had been through they were gutted like petty thieves for entertainment. I ask you all now to open your eyes and loo inside yourselves. Our enemies are not only orcs and risers but those we live with.
*Grunts* If we are to survive in this wildland we must unify ourselves, lest we all become like my friends behind me.
They fought for ideals so strong they were willing to die for them, my only wish is that we learn by their example...
*Glances down at the coffins* Good bye my friends.

A few other people said things...
QuoteEsteban Delberon:  [coughs slightly to his palm] If I may say, good Haevn was one of my first providers here on this island. Thus I find it proper give back what she gave to me, a cloak of hers that did not find another owner. May she rest in peace and the cloak bring her warmth on her next travel.

QuoteOnyx:  Funerals are not for the dead but the living. So that we remember. Bury your guilts with these three and do not weaken what history will remember of them. They died for their choices adn for their beliefs. Call them heros of their own, but do not darken their tales with your guilt.

QuoteThane Kendt:  *he hefts a scroll case, removing its seal, and pulls out an enormous roll of parchment, and a quill appaers in his hand from his sash*
 *and speaks to the tombs,, his back turned to the mourners*
  Before we commit these departed to ash-
 Let their names be known to all ears, and their souls laid bare for all eyes. And let it be said....
That we all move inexorably toward oblivion.
Each brittle soul, a small part to play, and carried forth toward the end, by memories. The memories of those they've touched, and so on.

And the end.

QuoteAdeladle Buttercup:  Alright, I would ask that you all have one last final prayer. Turn your hearts to Oghma, Mystra, Kelemvor or Urogalan, as you see fit, and ask them to receive our freinds gracefully. I will send them on thier way.

I didnt get any screenies of the end sadly, as my designated photographer went AFK.

But here is what it looked like in the combat log!



The last screenshot is so touching. Fireball, indeed.



Here are shots of those Fireballs.  :D


Whee. That is a great last shot, Sylvyrdragon!

I wish RL funerals could end with a fireball barrage, it would take the sting off for sure.


Quote from: scrappayeti;167532Whee. That is a great last shot, Sylvyrdragon!

I wish RL funerals could end with a fireball barrage, it would take the sting off for sure.

And make the cost of them go up to double or triple for the pyrotechnics


Quote from: Thomas_Not_very_wise;167494

Oh my is that a paladin doing a certain ooze quest for an evil npc!?


He isn't evil I don't think!


Quote from: Thomas_Not_very_wise;167600He isn't evil I don't think!

Somebody didn't use detect evil.

Luke Danger

For all we know someone could of accepted the job and invited him along, he never mets said questgiver.


Quote from: Luke Danger;167613For all we know someone could of accepted the job and invited him along, he never mets said questgiver.

The quest npc is a few feet from the entrance to the quest XD


Adleadle clearly doesn't have enough rings.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Quote from: Pup;167636Adleadle clearly doesn't have enough rings.

Very good point. So for those wishing to donote to the "Adeladle Ring Charity Fund", send your spare rings and gold to Walther Conrad IG. Thank you.


Do not talk about quests in this threat or anywhere. Experience them for yourselves IG. Anyways -- AMAZING IC funeral.