
Started by Damien, January 28, 2010, 04:28:46 AM

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I generally stay out of these discussions... but have to say something this time.

Why is it when ever someone says "make X eaiser / harder" you get the same answers, from basically the same players.

"All you need is X potions, or X Pc, and it's a cake walk."

I don't think ANY quest should require OOC knowledge to be successful. If I have to know before ever doing a quest that A,B and C are required what fun is it?

From my understanding the standard rule here is that your character has never done these things before, so they wouldn't know to grab Joe the archer, or stop and pick up X potions.

Now as for the matter of the OP. I can't really say anything,as the only time I had done it my ARCHER was left laying in the mud while the rest of the group finished the quest.

 I'm just sick of hearing the same things over and over, "use this, bring that, have this..." Stop already. If you don't agree then just say so.

There I will go back to being silent now.


Bring some dwarves.

Going to double check some stuff on it...
