EFU Death Penalty

Started by Box, January 23, 2010, 02:03:22 AM

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I try to get to level 9 to do the highest risk quests lol. They are awesome


My EFU career kind of revolves around that motto. I like taking risks in almost every way I can and hope they pay off in return! While the death penalty is harsh I do not believe that it needs to be changed in any manner. We should be thankful that we can come back without only the use of resurrection spells if you ask me :)


Death penalty is fine, if you make it less harsh people will just have even more consumables.

I've said it time and time again. If you don't want to die, Use Your Consumables I have still seen instance of people dying and then being all "wtf" and then later saying, "oh yeah but i didnt want to waste my stoneskin potion on a quest."

Well, then don't whinge. Your pc cares about lviing more than anything else. Doa ll you can to ensure that.


Threads like this is why they'll never remove the sewer disease >_>


Since the penalties won't be changing, here's a thought - Make it easier to regain the lost XP to put them back at par.  People gripe and rage when they lose all that XP and then have to grind hard to get it back.

Why not apply a temporary  50-75% bonus or so to XP gained that lasts until they get back to the amount of XP they had before the death?

Obviously if it was a simple set duration based only on an arbitrary amount of time, people could conceivably use this to boost their XP to even higher than what it was before their death, and would be unfair.  On the other hand, if it was based on a arbitrary amount of time, if the PC were to logout shortly after finishing the quest/exploring they died on, they would miss out on the bonus XP.

However, if we made the bonus dependant on the XP they had at the time of their death, it wouldn't matter if they played for hours after the death or mere minutes and didn't log in again for days, whenever they had time to log in they would still get the bonus, and the grind wouldn't be so horrendous. Which would result in less whining, (somewhat) less unhappy players, and less angsty permadeaths of cool PCs.


I think the XP penalties are fine as they are. I really doubt anything like this is going to alleviate people feeling bad when they die, and that's how it should be. I think a lot of players and DMs overestimate the value of levels.


The death system is fine as is. If you rp your PC, lvl doesn't matter. If you game your pc, then you're the only one putting pressure on yourself about lvls.

Portal Rat

Here's what I hate about dying: losing the experience points that DMs gave me. If I could change the death system, I would make it so that you never lose DM exp.

The only other change I would ever support would be a single free respawn per character. It's the "get out of fugue free card" you save for lag deaths and those moments when your fingers just can't seem to find the right keys in the right order.

Drakill Tannan

Quote from: Letsplayforfun;163595The death system is fine as is. If you rp your PC, lvl doesn't matter. If you game your pc, then you're the only one putting pressure on yourself about lvls.

Lies and more lies. If you character's roleplay involved fighting, you need levels else you'll meet an early ending.

I followed your advise with Magon Barcide, guess what happened?

Either way, there was a thread that proposed before about making efu less dificult, where i raised the same opinion i raise here. Being killed is not as bad, having to do barrows then trogs, then harpies over and over because every time you are level 7 the damn druegar roll a couple 20s in a single round, is bad. Repeating the same quests to earn the levels and be able to start doing the more dangerous quests gets tiresome. Also gets tiresome when you spam trogs so you gain levels so you can do another quest with good loot so you'll survive PvP, so it's not just about quests.

I'm sorry, but i find non-conflictive RP boring. If your suggestion is to remain in that line, where leves truly don't matter, it's a good advice for some, terrible for others, like me.

If more XP was given PCs wouldn't be as frustrated to die. Mostly because they wouldn't need 2 weeks to regain their levels, just one.

I'll give the same suggestion i gave there, increse the XP gain at levels 2-6, so reaching 7 is easy, reduce the XP gain after level 7.

Do remember sometimes you die to to some crap roll or bad luck. I've seen a PC nearly getting killed by a shargass diciple during the day, something that is just bad luck. I've died to a shargass spawning behind a great lizzard i was fighting, i've died to random parties of 3 wild orcs who coincidentially roll 3 20s in 2 rounds, in between them all, and i don't even have chance to heal, sometimes 1.69 pathfinding gets you screwed, smetimes lag happens just when you were about to drink that potion, sometimes you distract yourself for a second and find you you've been sneaked by a couple jungle panthers and created a couple AoOs when your character automatically tried to attack one, other times your mouse will fall and while you pick it up two ymphian werewolves hit you for 17 because they spawned behind you during a DM event... all this things have happened to me with med-to-high level characters and i must say, it's a pain to have to go back to trogs due to this things, i can live with getting killed because i miscalculated, because i was too trusted, because they got me for surprise, i'm even fine with the kinda events i mentioned before if they are not too common, but when i have to go back to the same old quests i'm tired off, or holding back my agenda 'till i can earn enough XP from DM events it is just frustrating.


Quote from: Letsplayforfun;163595The death system is fine as is. If you rp your PC, lvl doesn't matter. If you game your pc, then you're the only one putting pressure on yourself about lvls.

Yeah, that's not really true even if I agree with the death penalty being as it is. Levels do matter to a great extent and go on a parallel path with roleplay. They are not separate things just like questing and roleplaying are not separate things. Level are a -direct- measure of your characters experience in the game and their personal power, if they didn't matter we would all be playing level 2s in the most boring world ever!


Levels are only a portion of your power. A level 2 character that freely commands an 8 man militia of midrange PCs is far more powerful than any one of those PCs individually.


Quote from: FleetingHeart;163693Levels are only a portion of your power. A level 2 character that freely commands an 8 man militia of midrange PCs is far more powerful than any one of those PCs individually.

But the nature of man is such that no level 2 will command that kind of power unless he acquired in a roundabout way. I used to think our death penalties were fine, I liked that they were harsh. Keeps away the pleb and the carebears. I still don't think the penalties are unreasonable or badly in need of adjustment -- but I am in complete agreeance with Scotty that a superior system would scale.


I do understand RP is a big deal. However, lets say that you play a intimidating fellow, who also gives a tough image as warrior. If you are being challenged to duels and in other ways to show your match, what then? I mean, it's brave and all but this commander who commands a good troop, surely isn't going to be the most respected or feared one when he gets whooped ass in every battle. And you surely can't squirm out of every challenge without coming out as a total coward. Unfortunately Everyones power to fight is tested all the time along your status, and if you can't match, you won't keep your status either.

It's just a general rule. If you can't stand behind your words, you aren't worthy of listening. There has to be something that makes you the teacher, rather than student. For merchants it's RP easily, they can go around with many, influence and merchandise.

For warriors and thugs and what so ever, it's always the strength to battle and be tough, and that just cannot be matched any other way than level. If you are at that status finally, losing those levels hits hard. You cannot hope to match a guy who's been challenging you all along, if you both were at lvl 8 and suddenly you lost couple levels, falling to 6 or 5 perhaps. At some occasions that may mean couple good AB lost, perhaps attack round, perhaps even 20 or more hp, ac, or anything from between. It's a huge hit to your actual power to hold the status of warrior.


If you're some tough badass warrior you should not be dying to monsters anyways.

On a more serious note, I find the death penalties mostly fine.

Gaining level 7 is easy enough. The quests are not very difficult, and there is no need to make it even easier. Aside from incredibly bad luck, such as multiple crits in a round, or encountering a monster such as Ymphian Werewolves when unprepared, the chance of dying is not that high if you are not being reckless. Levels can be regained quickly enough if you died before 7.

Respawning should have a dramatic effect on you. You will most likely have beaten brutally, and returning at the same strength woukd be silly. If I was beaten brutally, it would take time for me to recover. XP loss it the best way to do that. If instead there was some stat loss instead of major level loss to replace that, then many people would not log until the stat loss is gone. If the stat loss was administered until you gain a level, that would be even worse than a level loss. People losing levels gives them a reason to stay in game to regain those levels. It can be discouraging too, yes, but at least you can return.

Just be a man, take the level loss, quest hard, and crush.


Quote from: Caddies;163508I think the death penalties are pretty much perfect. Nothing essential has changed since they were first implemented by Howland and the original DMs roughly three years ago.

Caddies fails at math.