Peregrinus Viktus, Bloodarch of the Garagosian Legion

Started by Decimate_The_Weak, January 05, 2010, 06:57:51 AM

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Peregrinus Viktus, honestly, my most enjoyable character yet. I had a blast roleplaying with everybody in the Legion, and out. My hand rises up in kudos to everybody, and I mean everybody who helped make the Legion what it was. Many great battles, alot of crazy conflict, and most importantly, some of the most epic roleplay I've enter taken part in.

Leading a PC Faction isn't as easy as you think! However, it is extremely rewarding. :]

His first day of breathing upon Ymph, and his first meeting with Targus.

Given your charge, you can't back down!

It takes a pretty charismatic voice to... you know, persuade some "savages" into the blood legion!

Inducting a Legionnaire upon the grand altar of Targus...

We all gotta have fun, sometimes... ^.~ Look at that.

I grant to you, Legionnaire, a boon of the Reaver!

Bloodarch Viktus, and Legionnaire Skub praying to the altar of Targus.

The Bloodarch, and His Champions assembled upon the altar of Targus. A pretty epic site to behold, huh?

After a quick duel with the elven warband, they were force to give blood to Targus.

As a Bloodarch, you sometimes get teleported to a strange room, with very strange, horny individuals. >_>

And, if nobody knew, the Reaver turns his most devout into penguins of doom as an avatar of war.

And, often times, I'd recieve a vision from Garagos, and would preach it to the legion religiously.

Ah, the Targan Arena.

We always had people coming in and out of the Hovel, seeking our alliance. They only wanted us for our LOLWTFPWNz... :[

Standing before the war council of Targus must have been intimidating... I know Mumed was intimidated. ^.~

And alas, joining the Legion was pretty tough. We only accepted the best. By the way, see that portal? It always appeared when I got near it. >_>


Thank you everyone! You'll see me around, hopefully doing some more epic stuff!



Good to see a newer player stirring so much excitement up IG, well done.


The Docks, Efu A wont be the same without the Blood Legion and Viktus, man we caused so much conflict and dude you were a great Bloodarch! and leader!


Great PC or greatest PC? :P Awesome screens, dude.

Daemonic Daz

Top notch work, cant wait to see your next character.


Epic, also Epicaly loot :P Good last fight aswell. Kudos man.




Good times.  Shame Viktus didn't send Zayhan on more crushing the infidel type errands!



I stumbled upon some ceremony or something wishing only to make an offering to the click a bowl of blood.

I got something far more. Awesome stuff!

Elytherin Dragonius

:D Skub was made on a whim and im glad he was, because without that dimwitted halforc i would never have had as much fun as i did in the blood legion, part of me wishes it could have continued to be all epic, after all if things didnt go that way, we had plans to attack gobsquat and claim the fighting pit as our own :D


Yeah, it has been great. :] Can't wait to hop IG again!

And by the way, if anyone has his loot, feel free to take screenshots! That is something I forgot!


Epic character, I enjoyed the times we RP'd together.  Sad to see him go.
