Jonathan Farrow

Started by lovethesuit, January 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AM

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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Hey guys. It's me; LTS. So I recently returned to EfU during the winter break from college, and decided to try a wild, random application. This was the type of app I'd been told I'd never play, and was really hard even for -good- players to get. Strangely, the app was approved and in due time I was in-game, hogging the spotlight.

:rolleyes: Hogging the spotlight. Of course, I refer to Jonathan Farrow.

This character was created on Sunday, December 6th, 2009 at 12:39:33 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 67 times.
The character has spent 3 days, 8 hours, 11 minutes, and 41 seconds online.

Chaotic Evil - Shapechang (Wereboar)
Ranger (7)
Current XP [TNL]: 23005 [4995]
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Deity: Hoar
Gold: 0

Max Hit Points: 99
Strength: 17
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 10

Fortitude Saving Throw: 13
Reflex Saving Throw: 7
Will Saving Throw: 7

Blah Blah Blah Blah. Jonathan Farrow was my attempt to have fun and it was a complete failure. At least, it was a failure for the first couple weeks. After the first week I decided it would be better just to hang it up and quit EfU, except a strange thing happened. I encountered some very cool events, players, and chance encounters that made the world come alive. I guess my decision to stick around was rewarded, because this has been one of my favourite characters of all-time EfU history.

[SIZE="3"]I've got fourty of these things so boar with me. [/size][SIZE="1"]ahahaha little joke there for you[/SIZE] [size="3"]Jonathan Farrow was a wereboar, obviously, an ugly fucker with an ugly mustache. When I realized I was actually gonna be approved, it dawned on me that I hadn't even come up with a character build. Rangers suck, I thought! Turns out, rangers fucking pwn. You don't even know.

For some people, Farrow's nature was in question. Was he a man, a druid, or a monster? Gwah'oul shared none of these doubts; he knew from the first moment I dragged myself up the Ziggurat.

I boar witness (;)) to many mysterious events just wandering around the server. Let me say this for now and for ever: there are countless rewards to exploring the wilds. If you haven't yet, try making a nature-based character and just taking in the whole breadth of the server.

Be risky, take the long way around even if you get lost. Give yourself the oppourtunity to get lucky, and maybe you can even save Lucinda!

Farrow's app called for a few major plot points: the docks rebellion was one of these. It offered an oppourtunity to stay close to the colony, while not being bound by its laws or threatened by the Stygians. Here we see a buddy in Jackin Hoxie, son of Ixpadia Sabuth.

Another plot point had to be the wilds. Playing a lycan does require a bestial aspect to be heavy in the character. This fit in well with the Stargazer faction, and Team Nature in general. Here we see The Boar and The Frog, enjoying a Targan tournament. Farrow just won a helmet with 2/day Breath: Weakness and 1/day Breath: Fear. Very tender.

One of the funnest parts of playing Farrow was "the reveal", as he called it. Going off with a group of people dressed as a man, then taking off all his clothes, exploding into a ball of fur and muscle, and watching their reaction. Here we see Farrow with his arm around his little buddy Haras. Farrow was always a big fan of the halflings.

This is as close as we ever got. The idea that monsters stick together didn't apply with these two later on, as we'll see.

I never took Animal Empathy. I even killed other boars if it was unavoidable. But I noticed, strangely, that sometimes when I'd enter an area I'd find a disproportionate number of Boars. I wondered if a DM was playing a gag with me.

But despite all this time spent in the wilds, the human known as Jonathan Farrow was first a hunter. You see here, I'm bringing in 370gp worth of hides. I'll talk real quick about hunting: DR 10/+1 is great, but not enough to handle cats with power attack. They can still hit you. So, usually I'd have to come at them from stealth and use Knockdown to make it easier on myself. Also, you can't use weapons as a lycan, so I'd shift back to human form to equip my skinning knife. It left me very exposed, with no damage reduction and often no armor, since I just wouldn't bother putting it back on.

ahahahhahahahah im funny

:cool::cool::cool::cool: SISTERS!!!!!1111 :cool::cool::cool::cool:

Knights of the Road, Greeley and Farrow. Farrow's darkened knight helm fit well with Greeley's brand of glowing silvery "goodness". It was a kind of light-side, dark-side thing which is ironic if you know these two in any way.

Krunto is surprisingly good at RPing under the influence. Should get a medal, or at least a custom title.


Finding these guys can -really- ruin your day. You know how on some quests you find named baddies, with higher HP, AC, and everything else? They usually also have some kick ass loot. These animals, the Dangerous Malar Beast, Razor Boar, and Savage Island Leopard, are like that, without the kick ass loot.

Farrow had a sinister mind for vengeance. He'll deny you booze and cost you 300 coins.

Another example: Mumed Sepret was a Thayan, and the Thayans were being charged the Rebel's tax. Also, he skinned boars (somebody told me that afterwards). So, I murdered him and piked his head outside the gates under The Rebel's name. Then I took back his headless body and said we got ambushed.

WTF did that accomplish feg. ur a feg lts. NO IM NOT OKAY this is what it accomplished. A small group of rebels were waylaid by a Stygian, an Aspirant, and about 5 Targans. We won.

And I ate a guy's hand because he wouldn't stop going for his pack after being subdued. Later I ate the rest of him. The Targans became sworn to my service, and to the rebellion. As for the Stygians...

That infamous day. The sort of event where, win or lose, you go afk for a minute afterwards to just sit back from the screen and catch your breath going like what what what what. It ended surprisingly well, and led to a few more interesting events later on as we'll see.

Here I am tearing shit up. ;)


After the player of the guy I ate in the mountains returned and attacked us, we beat him up and he logged. Then he came back and we beat him up again. Daz came by was like OKAY HOLD ON WTF and we explained. Then he said it was coo and we got Daz points. Here you can see the VFX from Daz points.

Third encounter with DRFEELGOOD

I'm a boar and what is this?

I got lost very easily. Very, very easily. Too easily for a ranger. If it just happened once or twice it would have been a little out of character, but since it happened EVERY TIME I WENT OUTSIDE THE ZIGGURAT I just made it part of my character. Terrible direction sense.

How did I get here oh god I'm not good with computers

One day, I decided to see if I could quest in human form. So, I went and three-manned the crystal mines. Turns out I did pretty fucking well, no small amount of thanks due to the awesome wizardry of Davroth Incest or whatevs. Afterwards, I revealed my nature. Huey the Cute tried to chase me away but I boar'd through the trails and escaped.

Never children. A telling admission from Farrow, who himself was taken as a child and raised in slavery as a pet, a gladiator, or other unpleasant things.

DMs begin to regret approving my app.

My app is rejected posthumously and the last month is retconned for idiocy.

Discovery that I do in fact have a Threaten animation, and it fucking RULES! Proceed to abuse the fuck out of this thing at every oppourtunity.

The terrifying wereboar Jonathan Farrow. Ahahahahaha is this the real life is this just fantasy

Couldn't get through one character without a doc joke.

So the beginning of the end came upon us suddenly today. A major conflict was brewing between the DOCKS REAVERS and the -actual- people of the Docks, being Greeley and what have you. Somebody mentioned my name, however, and Lazare warned us to beat feet.

A battle between Greeley's forces and the Targans was to take place outside the gates. Somebody left a mysterious note for the Stygians, however, telling that they'd be there. So both sides, law and chaos, wandered back and forth and it was kind of silly for a while.

Rather than waiting around to be ambushed, I went to see how the other half lives. This is just about 10 seconds after I walk up to Winchester, brush past his arm, and threaten him with my presence.

this character is fucked beyond all fucking

A moment of truth. The last one, in fact, before the end.

Note the lost item message in the bottom right.

Ahahahahahahah you can't make that shit up

ahahahahaahah im still funy

So ends the saga of Farrow the wereboar. Look up the word Farrow, or even his part-time alias Elliott "Stoat", and you'll find both words just refer to a boar's children. Farrow never had a real name; he was called all sorts of things by his owners. After drifting to the island on a bit of driftwood, he took perhaps the most blatantly obvious name he could think of, for its boarish connotations (not a pun).

What does the future hold for LTS?

I'm gonna make a bard named Denver John lol jack calico wtf was that



Very awesome, lovethesuit! You are amazing.


Daemonic Daz



god... awesome bro xx


lovethesuit, I was far from done with you =(

Listen in Silence


Drakill Tannan


Farrow was a legend, literally. He was also very awsome.


Nice. Didn't get to really know Farrow all that much... other than the time he threatened to eat Walther's feet, and the other time when he told him about the explosives. I can see though that he was fun to play.
Best wishes for your next character!


Well Grommet still wants to kill him...Guess that one is a bust.



lts, my silly. Amusing screenies. Very nice.


Great PC, and loved the questing with Halas (which you misspelled as haRas).

Too bad he didn't make it longer, i wanted to fight him in a duel! ;-)