Ranger raged weapon abilities

Started by Drakill Tannan, December 27, 2009, 09:20:48 PM

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People forget that Elven Archer Clerics make the best....Divine Power Divine Favor Bless Aid....holy moly...Yuo can get ridiculous dmg with a BOW!


I've found that being a decent archer just takes a couple decent feats, proper positioning, and smart target choice. Yes, you probably need a tank with you in most instances to keep the bad guys off of you, but to say that an archer isn't effective just isn't the truth of it. There's a few different builds than can get you there.


Quote from: FleetingHeart;158523Called shot + Bow + Full BAB class = Amazing.

Just FYI.

LOL. Mechanics > you

The Beggar

Called Shot shot is a crappy feat in my opinion. Applied damage on target is much more important that the rather pitiful (though RP flavorful) debuffs placed on target. Howland had interjected into a similar post some archer build possibilities. If you want an archer, check those out. Howland by his nature can not produce a gimp build.

Oskar Maxon

Quote from: ScottyB;158519I - yes, I, worst-mechanical-knowledge ScottyB - made an awesome archer, so don't say it's never been or can't be done. Damage reduction isn't that big of a problem after you get enough feats; just don't expect to be the most important person on your team. An archer is an amazing support role to have in your party.

As proven by your awesome archer's death lol.


Would it be possible to set the ranger build to get one or the other feat on 1st level build?

i.e.; Give them an extra feat at creation and then pocket the feats down to only the two option of Two weapon fighting and point blank shot...

Drakill Tannan

I never said there coudln't be usefull/good/decent archers. Just not a badass archer because you need a high level character to begin propeñly using a bow.

Less you are a rogue, in wich case you only use sneak attack.

Or a cleric, but they are OP they don't count.


Quote from: RIPnogarD;158563Would it be possible to set the ranger build to get one or the other feat on 1st level build?

i.e.; Give them an extra feat at creation and then pocket the feats down to only the two option of Two weapon fighting and point blank shot...

Not possible without a HAK.


I currently play a ranger - archer.
I stand back, mostly out of harms way, watch the enemy and aim according to who needs the help if multiple ememies are present, or aim at the most severly wounded enemy to help that warrior, get free and on to something else.
The hardest part to me, is knowing when to use which arrows, and properly applying them given the situation, per my IC knowledge.
Afterwords, I heal the brave men and women on the front line with herbs.  
I know he will never be the badass of any group, but uh... he wasn't meant to be.  Ranged support - tough life.
FWIW: I like it the way it is.