Ranger raged weapon abilities

Started by Drakill Tannan, December 27, 2009, 09:20:48 PM

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Drakill Tannan

As i understand it, the ranger does have bonus feats with ranged weapons, they just weren't implemented in NWN.

With how little archers we have, maybe it would be a good idea to implement them? Can this be done?


I think thats a feature in 3.5 and not 3.0 (what we're using)


Rangers are capable of using their feats to pick up archery ones if you are so inclined. I personally believe that Rangers get enough perks as is and this seems an unnecessary addition. If this thread picks up stream I'll go back to the old forums and rouse up the older discussions.


In 3.5 Rangers get either ranged weapon feats, or dual weapon feats, not both. Adding the ranged weapon feats on top of what they already get is just way too over powered, in my opinion.


Yeah, rangers are fine... Three feats and good DEX, and you make a badass ranger archer...

Drakill Tannan

Well theres no thing as a "badass" archer in efu anyway but i get your point.

What i suggested is to have the option to get the feats already given OR the other ones. But i'm not sure if it is posible.


Quote from: Ebok;158484I personally believe that Rangers get enough perks as is and this seems an unnecessary addition.

Considering the server itself, this is especially true.


Quote from: Drakill Tannan;158497... Well theres no thing as a "badass" archer in efu ...

Sounds like a wager to me! ;)


It's not that hard to make an awesome ranged character.


Damage Reduction is a real pain, though... Might be nice to have Magic Weapon work on arrows or something.


Everything that uses physical damage has to deal with damage reduction, so do archers.


I - yes, I, worst-mechanical-knowledge ScottyB - made an awesome archer, so don't say it's never been or can't be done. Damage reduction isn't that big of a problem after you get enough feats; just don't expect to be the most important person on your team. An archer is an amazing support role to have in your party.

On-topic, messing with what feats a ranger gets is likely to cause all sorts of unnecessary headache. It'd be nice if you could choose between Dual-wield or some kind of bow focus, but I don't imagine it happening.


Hm... I actually quit my archer due to being the load on whatever team I joined. I'll take that worst-mechanical-knowledge title, unless you can tell me how to make a decent one...

I guess I could always go Arcane Archer... Clawing (or leeching) your way to level 7 as a weakling gives you permanent +1 arrows, and the level after gives a 10d6 fireball.


how to make a decent archer:

get a lot of dexterity and feats relevant to bows, some strength for mighty bows if you are so inclined

how to play a decent archer:

stand somewhere safe and shoot at desirable things to shoot

while that seems pretty oversimplified you can actually be useful just doing this, not as optimally as maybe some of the melee folks, but it seems people often forget that you have a distinct advantage of being able to hit things from far away


Called shot + Bow + Full BAB class = Amazing.

Just FYI.