The EFU Gamer List

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, December 27, 2009, 03:33:51 PM

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Basically if you were on IRC around an hour ago, you'dve seen a bunch of lines coming from This site,

So I was inspired to come up with one that is for EFU:A. Feel free to contribute


1) Just because you see the Vorpal greatsword does not mean you are going to get it.

2) Johannes is not allowed to DM for any wedding events.

3) Despite how much we would like to, Howland cannot be set as your characters deity.

4) Do not challenge a level 6 gnome urdlen wizard with no see invis potions.

5) Yes you can have a romance plot, no, no one will love you for it.

Listen in Silence

6) Yes, making dramatic quest sendings is encouraged. No, you should not scream in the sending system about the horrid piles of rubble you wish to scavenge, should someone lend you his blade.

7) Under no circumstances may you create a pink-skinned half-orc with a penchance for perfumed handkerchiefs. "He's a French aristocrat" is not a valid background.

Luke Danger

8) Prestige Classes are just that, prestigious.

9) Do not play a paladin that shouts out everything they do loud and clear, they are Lawful Good, not Lawful Stupid

Gnome on the Strange

10: Halforcs don't have to have orcish names. If you get your village burned and wife raped by orcs, are you REALLY going to name your poor 8 CHA son after them?

11: Despite what Equinox may claim, XP is neither a food group nor a vitamin.

12: I will NOT Flame Weapon someone's surgical tools.

13: All Evokers must be able to hit a man-sized target with a fireball at 20 paces. Any who cannot will be used for target practice.


14. Forum troll is not a IG race.
15. Gnomes should not get weapon focus: Rocket launcher.
16. Potions of shadow shield are a privelige not a right.


17. thomas_not_very_wise is not allowed to make rules.

Egon the Monkey

18: My crossbow may not be chambered for .357 Magnum.
19: I will not shout OM NOM NOM as the response to every drop of Raw Humanoid Meat.
20: Troglodytes do not get Racial Weapon Focus: Fish Club. But they should.


21: I will not rage out at the DM channel and get booted... too often.

Luke Danger

22: Goblin Suicide Bombers are always non-reusable. Deal with it.

23: Stygians hate magic. At least, any magic that isn't buffz.


24) No matter how much Dr.D taunts me, I shall not make that goblin worshiper of Sharress.


25) Assassin Vines are good clean fun.


26) "Corrupt as fuck", is not a viable FD excuse.


27) If you find yourself in direct oposition of either a Caddies or a Naga character (gods forbid it's both) just run!


28. Theres no conflict that cannot be solved with enough alchemist fire barrels.

Elytherin Dragonius

29. no creating a character that, looks, sounds, acts or even thinks like a harple let alone harkle harple