1.69 Pathfinding

Started by Box, December 20, 2009, 02:43:59 AM

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D'oh! I'd be interested in hearing what was wrong with my idea, if there's an explanation available.


The only problem with optional ghosting tenk, Is that the PVP issues still remain, even if the npc ones may not.

A player being surrounded by other players who hasn't toggled 'ghosting' on, could simply do so and then run away.

One thing I would like to point out is there is no visual difference, between a pc with this effect on, than one not. There is no effect associated with it, so PCs do not become transparent or somesuch. So it would be impossible to know who has this mode enabled.  Really, this suggestion can only go one way or the other. Either every PC gets it or none do.

Another thing that is important to point out, is that enabling this effect would for nearly all intents and purposes, make combat behave almost exactly like it did pre 1.69.    I would need to do some more controlled tests to confirm this, but I am fairly certain the AI would not simply walk through a PC, but slightly around them, as they used to do pre-1.69.  If anyone remembers that, it was easy enough to engage them and distract them from crushing your mages and archers back then, it won't be much of an issue now.

As for "I think walking through people ruins immersion" in arguement of this point, I submit to you the following question : How is walking remotely near another PC and having them 'bumped' a fair distance away, sometimes even up or down ledges or through walls, better for  immersion?

There are a large host of bugs and annoyances that this suggestion would fix.  The main issue of negativity, and in my opinion the only really negative factor of any distinct note - Is the PVP issue.   The other issues of AI and such  would be as they were pre 1.69, in fact, you could almost always escape pvp by 'running past' your surrounding foes in 1.68< anyways.

As I said earlier in my post, I will be doing some testing later to see the extent of the 'running through' by AI, but I am fairly positive it is not as much of an issue as some people think.


Another vote for it!


Toggling that on and off gives players an another dimension of control over the game engine.  At this point in time, I don't know what the implications to that are, but I have a feeling there are some.  If people can remember my definitions of commoner, adventurer, and gamer, I'll say I'm not worried about the first two groups really.  It's the last group that feels no hesitation in laming something like this as much as physically possible.  That puts me in a bad mood trying to figure out how to catch the abusers of the new mechanic as well as figuring out apt consequences and punishments.

10 bucks says you can easily push people through locked gates and other placeables with this (a lot easier than the other methods that are available too).  Are there more things?  I don't know.


I dunno, i like being able to block stuff that wants to run away.

The few times i've been poped up a tower i couldn't come down from aren't that much of a big deal.

And when i've been surrounded by hostiles with my party blocking my retreat, i thought it was rather fun yelling 'move! move!' before fuguing.

Daemonic Daz

is here.

Could it possible to only toggle the ghosting effect with a onhit variable or something along the lines of that? Then when a PC is attacked in PvP or by NPC's, we do not have the liability of some lamer that just toggles ghosting and run away.

Then once the combat is finished, the ghosting effect will be untoggled. Kind of like the way you cant rest in combat untill a few seconds after.


Since I'm in a lazy mood, I'll just c/p from a conversation with DAEMONIC-DAZ about his above post in IRC.

[16:16] You could tie that into an NPC's events
[16:17] but for PVP, I'm sure strife would give you an earful about the cpu hit for the on hit property being used like that
[16:17] This really is one of those things where it would either need to be constant for the entire module, or for certain areas such as QAs
[16:18] a toggle just really isn't viable tbh
[16:19] because if people can have it on/off, it just presents a whole host of potentially unfair situations. Best to keep the ground even and give it to everyone or no one imo


Has this been implemented yet?

Drakill Tannan

If this stops players from blocking other player's escape, then i'm against it, same if applies to PCs and NPCs.

Magon once died in 1 round. He recived 2 criticals from 5 AoOs because of 1.69 pathfinding. while annoyng, once used to this things, smart clicks of mouse and keyboard effectievly fix the problem. Mostly is about using the cntrl key and not chargin into battle mindlessly.

I am against this.



Having actually played since making this suggestions, I definitely find myself wanting this.  I was in the sewers with two other people, and I couldn't even get around those two people to attack a target before it died.

'Smart clicking' can get you into position, but your allies' 'battle shuffle' will just shove you back out of position.

Please implement this.



Even if not permanent, I would suggest maybe we change for like a couple days, maybe even a week - Just to see how it goes.

It can't hurt to try, and if people like it, we can keep it.

If not, then whatever lol.


The PvP argument is rather moot: I imagine running through a group of people without emotes or anything is god-gaming/metagaming and illegal anyway.

It's a huge bug that affects play daily. I'd rather see it fixed.

Listen in Silence

I'm with Big Mitch and Raging Goblin on this.



Ghost form does not equal what was there prior to 1.69 ... If you all want to die horribly because 20 Nightrisers are stacked upon eachother or if the boss/mage/frail but dangerous creatures are hidden under the swarm and cant be targeted... Same goes for PC mages who could be protected by just stacking PCs/Summons over them.

I tried it. It feels worst and will make any invasion with lots of NPCs a slaughterhouse (which we have lots of those).

It's not good.