I'm taking a break from Efu:A.

Started by johanmaxon, December 20, 2009, 12:11:34 AM

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I just might, too. We'll see.


Thats cool, but there is a thread for that. I don't see how this warranted a special post! Good luck, come back soon.


Special thread for special reasons.
You know what I mean, Johan. Good luck.



Sorry for my missplaced thread. I will not take a break from Efu:A, I've changed my mind. I had a dream last night actually, and I came up with some rather cool ideas' for a character. That also brings me to my second note, that Drad's dead.

I'd like to apologise to the people I Rp'd with in the wastrel yesterday, that I left so quickly and that I was a bit grumpy. It was late and I events came to something I tought they would not. Well anyway, sorry.


It's called a Christmas break. you'll be back in january.


Dude, no worries. It's alright to get frustrated when events that you plan, and think are cool, don't go off the way you want them to and to boot it ends up with your PC dying.


announcing breaks always seems really dramatic to me


Yes, I think so to. But I won't, as said.


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
