Anonymous US Presidental Poll

Started by PanamaLane, September 26, 2008, 03:07:20 PM

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Obama, but McCain would be okay if he doesn't die.

Joe Desu

Tom Mcclintock, SoCal, is the kind of fiscal conservative I would like see run for president.
It just ain't gonna happen.


go winning for voting libertarian

and after that lol sarah palin interview it is pretty intense to vote mccain at this point


McCain. Don't really like the man all that much, but the issues that matter to me most are abortion and gay marry-age, so if I weren't missing this election by like SIX MONTHS I'd go McCain.

P.S. Palin r hawt.




Obama.  I'm quite convinced that McCain means what he says when he jokes about bombing Iran, and I'm against any candidate who would get us involved in another pointless war.

Of course, I'm also a social democrat, and Obama comes closer to the policies I want for the US - universal health care and education, more rights and protections for workers, a more diplomatic and less bellicose foreign policy, and the resolution of the energy crisis through alternative sources rather than more oil.

Ideally I'd like a candidate who could balance the budget too, and though it seems unlikely that Obama would, the republicans have an even worse record on fiscal responsibility given the astounding defecits produced by Reagan and Bush I & II.  I'm not sure how anyone could call the republicans since Reagan "fiscal conservatives."


"fiscal conservative" and "tax and spend liberal" are, as far as I can tell, marketing ploys that have had no bearing on reality since Jimmy Carter. This is how people still believe that liberals are less fiscally responsible today, even after the liberal Clinton showed surpluses where the conservative Bush ran record deficits. In my lifetime, the right has always been pretty good at characterizing things as what they are not and making people believe it.


Yeah, the simplified difference between the parties - at least economically - seems to be "tax and spend" versus "borrow and spend."  I don't see spending as a bad thing, as long as it's spent well, and I'd rather have the government behave responsibly and spend the money it has rather than continue to borrow our way into collapse.  The problem is that the average American and the average American politician are concerned only with short-term consequences and ignore the debt that's being saddled on my generation in favor of immediate tax cuts during a time of massive outlays.

We are in a crisis of profligacy, in terms of both our personal and governmental spending, and to be honest I doubt that any politician has the capability or political will to remedy the situation.  The last one who tried to address it was Carter, and he got voted out for it.


Obama for all the reasons stated...

Joe Desu

For those who want to see fiscal consvertism like me, they ain't in Washington DC. Bush is too liberal for me and obviously not fiscally conservative. I think someone from either party could be a fiscal conservative and either be socially conservative or liberal.
For those who think that only Republicans pay out their "good friends", the Democrats are just as good at it. Diet coke vs diet pepsi
I just don't understand how someone can get excited by either party. Yes vote for one of the two lesser evils, but actually get excited, ... no. Politicians is Politicians = Fish is Fish
I say again Elmer Fudd, or perhaps none of the above.
Results from link provided by RIP below, ...
Bob Barr 69%
John McCain 64%
Barak Obama 38%


Reporters both in television and newspapers all have agendas and political parties they endorse. And no matter how often they say they have no agenda, they do. To make an educated vote you should know each candidates political platform, where do they stand on the issues that concern you?

All the slur campaigns in the world mean nothing to what each of them will represent once they get in office.

Vote for the person that believes in the things you believe in, not the party they belong to.

I am a supporter of the Patrioc party.

[COLOR="Blue"]Take this quiz. [/COLOR]
John McCain 76% similarity
Barack Obama 64% similarity
Ralph Nader 58% similarity


I don't care about a world gone mad on differing religious views, increasing encroachments upon civil rights, or the onset of another great economic depression.

For the love of God, just don't let The Gays marry!


And no damn abortions!!! They have to suffer like the rest of us before we kill 'em!


Republicans: Shep's Watch, Spellguard
Democrats: Rebels

It's clear who must win!


I think I play too much.


Kiaring pretty much nailed it for me.