Anonymous US Presidental Poll

Started by PanamaLane, September 26, 2008, 03:07:20 PM

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I will be voting for Obama.  The social sciences have left me with a particularly prickly case of white guilt, and I will feel like imperialist scum if I do not vote for Change.


I am a US Marine and I will be voting for McCain Palin in the next election for several reasons which I am sure will be unpopular around here due to the high amount of democrats/liberals...which is fine by me really your opinions are for you to decide and your life is lived the way you choose to live it. I believe that there are problems with both parties and I really believe in being economically conservative which neither really represents, heh both really are bringing us more toward socialism. I guess what really scares me is that if Obama is elected then the Democrats will run the country from the white house all the way to the house and the senate and I think there always should be a balance with a nice veto pen to make sure nothing gets too crazy, lol. John McCain is really a hold my nose and vote kind of vote because I would honestly rather vote for the corpse of Reagan or FDR than either of the candidates right now. I think Reagan and FDR had more leadership abilities in their little fingers than John McCain and Obama could ever hope to have in their entire careers I mean look at their histories. Obama and McCain are both flip floppers and they both pass so much pork through the Senate it is rediculous. Heh I really just kinda rambled on there and went off from what I was trying to say. I think this election is really unwinable(for me) though because whoever I vote for I will not feel that I am serving a man I respect enough to give my life in combat for and Its for damn sure that neither is Bush lmao. But hey...its my job and I love this country too much not to do whatever I can to serve it and protect the freedoms that come at such a risk.    
Btw I am one of the Marines who feels that we belong in the Sudan helping the people who really need it. No matter who is voted into office I will give them the respect they deserve as the president of the United States and serve them as I would anyone before them...I will just be less proud of it ;).
(Oh and btw if you live in SoCal near Pendleton send me a tell I'm at MCT right now and it sucks =P)


I'm voting for joe the plumber!


How are you voting for FDR if you vote Republican? FDR was a democrat.
I have already submitted by ballot for Obama/Biden. I feel that the most important issue the president needs to face is the World. He has advisors for each catagory-- I cannot expect a single man to have all, or any, of the answers to the major problems of our time. However, I feel Obama is a better figurehead for America. He is a better public speaker. He inspires all who listen to him, even if briefly before they realize they disagree with his words. He is a true charismatic leader, which is what we need right now. If you have never seen him, a good example is to listen to his DNC speech ( ). I believe that McCain was a good man, but he has surrounded himself with the same old shady advisors that advised Bush. I cannot trust a campaign that resorts to smear and fear tactics during the worst economic crisis of our time. I cannot trust a campaign that incites its supporters to call for Obama's death, and divide America rather than bring it together, which will not lead to growth when Obama is elected president in 16 days. I cannot trust a campaign that has 100% negative ads about Obama, attempting to feebly link him to one organization or another by weak association. I cannot trust a campaign that has a VP so ineloquent and feeble that Joe the Plumber took more interviews than her in his claim to fame.


Quote from: Kiaring;91736The people here are certainly kidding. (One can only hope)

The people here are certainly not.


Just....damn....I mean...really?  THE HELL?  I dropped like 7 IQ points because of that...thanks a lot jerk...


Joe the plumber, by the way, would get more back in taxes under Obama then McCain. It baffles me that this fact is glossed over, for the ordinary guy that has become a poster boy for republican policies, the democrates do him better. But hey, why use crazy things like figures and facts when we can resort to name calling?

One more week and this will all be behind us, Obama safely in the white house, getting things done.

TeufelHunden, with Obama as our president, you're more likely to be in Sudan then in Iraq. But expect to be in Afgahistan first. Keep up the good work, I'll likely be joining you soon. <_<