Anonymous US Presidental Poll

Started by PanamaLane, September 26, 2008, 03:07:20 PM

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I've always had the feeling that EFUers lean left, though I know a couple of right wingers are out there. Even if you can't vote, because you're too young, or not an American or a criminal or whatever, I'm curious to see who our playerbase as a whole would elect if they could. For what its worth, most of you know that I pretty damn liberal and am 100% behind Obama.

Lets just avoid turning this into any kind of shouting match. We are all allowed to have differing opinions, and though we might disagree, lets be civil and hold love in our hearts for one another.


I'd be much more interested to see the outcome with four categories instead of two, being:

I'm an American, voting Obama
I'm an American, voting McCain
I'm not American, voting Obama
I'm not American, Voting McCain

Just a thought!


An excellent thought, Garem. I should have rocked it that way. That being said, lets see how this pans out. Maybe I'll post another in a few.


I vote neither, as i really don't care for US politics. Not that it doesn't impact me, but i can't impact it, so why the hells... you know? Best spend my thoughts on where it can make a difference.


Joe Desu

Elmer Fudd ftw
The Democans want my money to give to the poor.
The Republicrats want my money to give to the rich.
Both groups will waste my money as do all governments because they do not know how to manage their own bank account or run a successful business let alone the country's.
The key for me is to choose who will take less of my money. [sighs]

Listen in Silence

I am -not- an American, yet I'd vote for Obama.

I'm not old enough to vote either.

Go figure.

Luke Danger

Ain't old enough to vote, so option three


I'm an American citizen, and I will be old enough for this ellection.


(I'm what most people I know call "Obama Drama")


I don't really give a crap... when it comes down to it I'll choose whoever won't screw up the U.S. the most.


You undecided people are so jaded.


This is a subject that has been giving me something of a persistent stomach ache recently, and is one I am reluctant to broach. Usually I believe strongly in calm, reasonable debate in which an emphasis is on seeing both sides of the issue, trying to understand the other person's point of view, and often meeting somewhere in the middle. My instinct is almost always for compromise and for the idea that if anyone argues for something passionately, it is for good and reasonable reasons.

Once upon a time, I think there was room for serious and meaningful debate weighing the merits of the two American political parties. I think there's considerable value in a nation of people trying to decide between two candidates, one who may represent traditional "conservative values" (fiscal prudence, smaller size of government) and perhaps one who supports a government that invests more in infrastructure, social programs, etc. There's real substantive differences that reasonable people can have about the role of government and merits of different approaches.

These differences do not seem meaningful to me in today's current political climate. If you are a United States citizen, and if you care about your country, I would urge you in the strongest possible terms to become informed about what is going on in the world today.

I don't think John McCain is a monster, and there's a lot in his record that's deserves respect - but the idea of allowing another Republican president to be elected is just sickening to me.

I am no great partisan, and I would be all for a serious political party that actually did represent true conservative values (things like fiscal prudence, avoiding foreign entanglements, personal responsibility)... but those aspects of the Republican party, to my mind (and writing as someone who does spend a very considerable amount of time trying to stay informed from a wide variety of sources) has been totally corrupted. Hell, once upon a time I may even have BEEN a Republican - just not now.

The issues are too numerous to properly list - the Iraq War, the war in Afghanistan, the environment, social issues, the economy, military policy, domestic policy, the present housing/credit crisis, foreign policy, torture, the debt, and on and on. Each of those issues deserves considerable study and research to even begin to understand, and fully comprehend how absolutely and embarrassingly messed up things are right now.

I will be voting for Barack Obama for many reasons, but perhaps the number one reason is that I very much wish to cast my vote (diluted as it may be due to our absurd electoral college system) AGAINST the charade and ignominy that has been perpetrated by representatives of the Republican party.

Do I think Barack Obama is some kind of savior? No. The actual powers of a president to fix messes is limited pretty severely. He will probably disappoint a lot of his most fervent supporters as he struggles to address the huge problems he will have to face (if elected). However, I do think he's an extremely strong candidate, perhaps one of the most talented political leaders in the history of the US, an extraordinary man who will be studied in the history books. Is he perfect, ideal? No - sure, it'd be nice if he had more of a legislative record. I don't doubt I disagree with him on any number of different policies.

He is something of a Rorschach candidate in that I think people see in him what they WANT to see. For me, I see in him an extremely intelligent, competent compromiser with a level-head who will make reasonable, informed, adult decisions.

But regardless, we are in EXTREMELY perilous times. We can not afford to have irresponsible buffoons managing the government any more. We have absolutely got to get some serious, responsible and competent stewards to start moving this country back onto the right track. For now, and for me, the answer is very clear that Obama/Biden is vastly the preferred choice over McCain/Palin.


not a big fan of either but obama is a much better choice than mccain

libertarian r00ls though


Quote from: Lansert;89357I'm an American citizen, and I will be old enough for this ellection.


(I'm what most people I know call "Obama Drama")
Hmmmm, well I'm sure many of you got the impression that I had not given much thought into my vote.  The truth is that it only looked that way.  I have thought it over a long time and Obama really is who I think our next president should be.  (not going into detail why)

I take my right to vote seriously, even when I talk about it to strangers online I don't seem that way.  Because I know that there are many nations that do not allow their people to vote, or only certain people, or say their people vote but if they vote against the current "leader" they will suffer.  (And The United States has done all of that before, some people have no idea how good they have it)

So do not let my exclamation point fool you into thinking I am overly excited and as such not thinking clearly.


When Howland speaks you get the impression of a 35 in wisdom.


I voted for Obama in the primaries and I am voting for him again in November.  

I do my best to stay informed on politics and current events.  I have also voted in every local, state and national election that I could vote in since I've turned eighteen.  I'm proud to say that I am not responsible for voting for Bush. :p