'Arcane research'

Started by Box, November 24, 2009, 03:33:26 AM

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Professor Death

How about having items (scrolls, books) that could be found as random drops that require a DM to oversee - get a DM, make your lore/spellcraft/whatever check.  If you make it, the scroll is replaced with some tidbit of knowledge - a rare potion recipe, chance to change your summoning theme, or whatever?  If the character has a special research goal - like becoming a pale master, the check could be reduced.  As a PnP DM, I did this sort of thing all the time.  PCs were always asking if some random library they discovered contained anything pursuant to their characters' research.  If they were looking for something specific, I had them make a check at reduced proficiency.  If they were just "browsing" I had them make a normal check for SOMETHING of use to appear.  For EFU,  the book or scroll could say something like "contains excerpts of another wizard's research notes into alchemy/necromancy/abjuration/divination/whatever.  To use this item, contact a DM and make a skill roll versus your lore to learn something of potential interest on this topic."
If this is an "actiony" serveras has been suggested, PCs do have lives outside of the few hours we are logged in - no one wants to have to roleplay hours of boring research - and if you do, you are a sick, sick person who should get out of your mom's basement and get a girlfriend.


For goodness' sake, guys, this already exists. Alchemy, Herbalism, and Consecration already give rise to summoning themes- the most powerful summoning themes on the server, for that matter. Complete with scripted checks, even!

There are also rare potion recipes, incredibly powerful trinkets, and so on - to which there are clue items scattered throughout the module to be found. The thing is that they aren't common. Any suggestion made, should be made on the lines that they aren't common enough, or that there should be clues to more recipes.


i didn't find research so it must not exist let me suggest it does