Upgradable conjurative summons

Started by Egon the Monkey, November 20, 2009, 10:31:48 PM

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Egon the Monkey

With the updates to necromantic summons (Well done Mort, I for one welcome our new Zombie Overlords *goes off to make a Cleric of Velsharoon*), it might be worth seeing about adding such options for conjuration. My suggestion would be items that let you semi-permanently bind a summons/Shadow Conjuration in the same way as Animate Dead cast on a corpse changes the spell effect.

Animated corpses can already be hugely strong, way above L3-4 summons. Granted, animating a horde of undead is something only really available to a subset of determined, likely evil-minded PCs, but it does provide a fantastic way to really make a character personify his brand of magic in a way you can't match with a conjurer. Example with my PC, Major Nalfini. He's an illusionist and tactician. Havig a semi-permanent Flickering Lights summons throwing out /v s emotes, marking out targets, acting as a beacon etc would be a perfect demonstration of that.

Adding some similar options to allow a fiery sorcerer to go about with an enhanced elemental minion, a demonologist to spend time on rituals to push more power into his bound fiend, or a heroic cleric to have a literal guardian angel serving him would only improve RP by providing persistent messengers/guards/assistants for a price.


I was going to suggest this myself, but I couldn't be arsed to write a post about it.


I'd point out it is already possible to beef up your summons in a couple ways.

The only change that I am still/always have been for in regards to conjuration is duration really.

A lot of the themes for summoning make little to no sense to be giving them weapons or anything, most of the themes have great abilities/spells that make them tough cookies.


It wouldnt be in the same way, but I got plans for all schools of magic...


As long as you do conjuration first. =[


You are a hero of Rpers, Mort!


Hopefully the duration can be improved <_<





i think you like doing free work for the server and you are obligated to do what everyone requests for their respective section of the server


Aren't there recipes already out there that lets you upgrade conjuration reagents? <.<

Jergal Light

Yes. Yes there are. But they are nowhere near as accessible as the Necromancy Upgrade Screen, and there's not a way to bind a persistent minion for a conjurer either.