pale Master Caster Levels

Started by SkillFocuspwn, November 16, 2009, 06:59:28 PM

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With the amount of benefits pale Masters get that are melee based, and due to the fact I'm playing a spell-focused one, I thought I'd try battling out to get some more benefits for the PrC.

To me, the amount one has to sacrifice to become a pale Master is great. Playing a wizard/pM, you give up learning new spells, gaining new circles and caster levels. The majority of the bonuses added do not compliment the Wizard side well.

So, my suggestion is to make Necromancy spells use pale Master as well as the arcane class when determining caster level (or maybe even a further bonus). This wouldn't greatly benefit combat pM builds, while giving a slight boost to the existing spells that an arcane pale Master build has.


I am not sure if that can be fixed. I think that's hardcoded.


...Could possibly be fixed.


I think this has been done for a few spells already. I remember doing some caster-level work with Palemaster in EFU Classic, but it was for a few requested spells.

If that's been lost, it wouldn't be too hard to do as long as there's a list of spells that we think should count Palemaster levels. Oh dear, did I just volunteer to do work..?



I would agree that necromancery spells, also spells like stone bones.


As of version 672:

Palemaster levels already applied to the following spells:
  • Animate Dead

Palemaster levels were added to:
  • Negative Energy Ray
  • Ray of Enfeeblement
  • Negative Energy Burst
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Enervation
  • Fear

Some spells were skipped, either because they didn't calculate anything based on caster level, or because they're over level 5. I'm pretty sure no Palemaster will ever have access to spells over level 5.



What about stone bones? Seems something a palemaster might use!?


Stone Bones, Ghoul Touch, please. Though I guess Ghoul Touch caster level does not really matter.


Ghoul Touch does not make any scriptable calculations based on caster level.

Unless we've modified Stone Bones for EFU/A, it already lasts 10 minutes per level. Since you need to have 3 levels in an arcane casting class for PM, it already has at least a 30 minute duration. I'm not sure it's worth looking into unless we nerfed its duration.


Stone Bones is modified for EfU.  It's armor bonus increases based on level  (like an additional 1 for ever three levels beyond 2 or something).



To be perfectly honest I'd not mind the basic transmutations to also be fixed to add palemaster levels, if it is not too much of a chore. They already recieve less spells, and lower level spells, then a wizard. Ideally they would add spells at half duration for every palemaster level. So a level 3 wizard, 6 palemaster, would cast a haste spell for 6 rounds etc.
Bulls Strength,
Cats Grace,
Owl's Wisdom,
Fox's Cunning,
Magic Weapon,
Mage Armor,
Protection from Evil / Good,
Greater Magic Weapon,
Keen Edge,
Ghostly Visage,
Improved Invisibility,
Stoneskin as well.
They are a casting class really, despite the melee powerhouses that have played them before, and I am all for them getting a bonus in that respect.


I agree with Gippy but I didn't want tp push my luck.