Loose Ends

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, November 11, 2009, 02:39:24 AM

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The Rot is somehow laying low.

Seekers are MIA

Countless other threats that seem to have disappeared...

Where are they? :(

Bring them back please, and yes, this is a suggestion because you leave so much awesome behind!


Seekers are missing for foig reasons.


The Chosen are not attacking anymore.


I would like to add something to this.

EfU:Archipelago is missing the Big Bad. The Ixpadian menace promised a revolution, but things went right back to the Sharbonneths. A lot of this should be handled in-game, but there are a few broad strokes I want to sketch here.

In original EfU, when there was nothing else going on, I could infiltrate Ysinode. I could pick off drow patrols. I could go talk to Intryzz. I could hang out in Thomas' bar. There were these massive, looming threats that presented a challenge to simply comprehend.

Where is the Mist Ogre home? Where do the Shargass Disciples come from? Does the Armada so completely dominate the Shrouded Isles that no pirates have taken up residence somewhere? In short, where are the enemy cities? Where are the rival settlements? House Sharbonneth stands unopposed, and their flag isn't exactly that most natural avenue for a concept to follow.

The setting has become uncomfortably one-dimensional. Let's open it up a bit.


to be honest-

I really think Ixpadia should of won, and house sharboneth incorporated into her regime and Sabuth set to rule Old port.

I dunno, but it seems to me that the DMs are wanting to keep the same old same ol.



I would have to agree with that statement. The Ixpadian plot started off as purely awesome and, in my own opinion, turned into a gigantic failure that did nothing but revert back to the way things were directly before it.

People try to blame Dragon Age, school, or other things on the population drought we've had for a while now but I honestly believe that people are simply losing interest in a module that never changes in any major way. There is a major resistance to change around here and it seems to be problematic and spreads through to other subjects such as mechanical changes.


I think if you pay closer attention to what's been going on (rumor posts if nothing else) you might be able to figure some things out if you haven't already.  The only thing this DM team can universally agree on is that conflict is good.  That hasn't gone anywhere.



Still no Silent Chosen Assassins. :(

Drakill Tannan

Ixtapadian thing failed because nearly no PC supported the Ixtapadian faction. The only relevnat PC i can think of is Kethra Marsk.

I'd like an enemy settlement, with regular patrolls somewhere. Maybe several. Mist ogres, Orcs (orcs mostly due to how IG things are) maybe an ixtapadian settlement?

THe main factor stopping people from doing things other than questing, follow a DM event or look for random events is the no-reward thing. Give more XP for dificult mostners, like ogres, and have the drop better loot. Make random chests appear oftenly in the sunken enclave with posibly good rewards inside, and give more XP for killing nightrisers down there. That kind of things can make EFU:A more dynamic.


I'm with the DMs on this.  The Colony seems to be changing almost constantly, way more than Sanctuary ever did.  Sure you can't go f*$k with Transyr (well, you can, but FOIG), but there is plenty going on.  I mean, a new floating city being raised, the never-ending threat of the undead below and outside the colony, werewolves, orcs, stargazers, wanna-be Queens...

Seems pretty fun to me!
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


I'll start a new plot :D I could be like that filthy do gooder dwarf who wants to userp power in the colony and make it its own idependant city state lol.


There is usually a lull after some large plot has come to an end. My suggestion is for players to take the initiative. If you want to see one of these "loose ends" tied up, create a character with that goal and peruse it. It won't happen over night, but if you stick with it, the dm team will notice and support, especially with fewer people around right now.

As a side, I find that monsters do often drop plenty of good items and gold. You'd be surprised how killing 5 ogres or so can add up to more value then going on some quests. If you want to create an ogre-hunter or the like, just go for it. Getting people on board with you though will make the difference between just spawn hunting and plot development.


Seriously, the Ixpadians were routed a little over a week ago at most. A bit of patience goes a long way.

Luke Danger

We do need lulls to regroup/relevel/resupply, so take advantage of those before the DM's start bringing in the proverbial Nuclear Missiles and horde of tanks