lol at meldread.

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, October 17, 2009, 02:38:58 AM

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Listen in Silence

Ooh oh! Thomas! Thomas! Do me!


Hilarious Thomas.  But Meldread's reactionary post was flat-out awesome.

Well played Sir Meldread!
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Meldread is this: 8=======================================> big.

Luke Danger


That's all I need to sum this up.


:O What would I be Thomas?

Oskar Maxon


Deity: Listen In Silence
Title: The Creator, The Maker, the Lord of Fashion, the Elitist.
Symbol: The Toolset
portfolio The Creation of Worlds, Flawless Fashion.
Alignment True Neutral
Weapon of choice: Whatever looks aesthetically suitable at the time.
Worshipers: Those who play on his awesome Campaigns. Elitists

History/relationships: Regarded as an over deity by some, in very few circumstances, Listen in Silence is an enigmatic figure who rarely pays attention to the petty demands of Equinox or the the long winded complicated analysis of Meldread. Rather, he listens to their quibbling and draws inspiration from Starless night's humorous summarizing of all things. He feuds constantly with Chrijone and General Shadow, thinking their ways noobish and outdated, they in return regard him as an overblown elitist and try and bring him to their level of gandering.

His relationship with Thomas_the_unwise is mysterious, often the two are seen as friends, but they never seem to actually join together in making awesome. This has puzzled the other deities severely, and often encourage the two to do something together.

Dogma: Seek to create only beautiful things, and the world you make should be in your own image. strike down those who scorn your work, for they do not know true works of art. Seek to create a wondrous world wherever you go, and always seek to instill a sense of reality and potential dread. Spurn noobs from your questing parties and worlds, they shall only lower the expectations and awesome of what you seek to create. Be you good or evil, the World Maker will be by your side.




Titles: The Gangster, the champion of Lower. Lord of thugs.
Symbol: A Red Star
Portfolio: Lower Sanctuary, Thugs, Gangs.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weapon of Choice: KNUCKLES
WorshipersThe Scum of the Earth, Thugs, Gangs, followers.

History/Relationships: Canzah has always been the Lord of which is lower, his followers consist of the scum of the earth and his behavior represents this. His poor grammar and characters have inspired factions of thugs and bullies to become successful, and he is opposed by any lawful deity that exists. His chaotic nature makes him unpredictable- which is his key to success. However, he is filled with Nostalgia at having his most powerful power base destroyed in Lower Sanctuary, and he seeks to renew this power in the Docks of the Ziggurat.

Dogma: Get it done right the first time. Law means shit and you got to do what you got to do with your fists. It's the only rule you need. Keep your rivals off your turf and recruit thugs and gangs to follow the Lord canzah. Oppose the idiots like VP who thinks themselves better than everyone else. Jump monsters are every opportunity, and remember, it ain't over till I say it's over.

Listen in Silence

Deity: Thomas the Unwise
Titles: The Aspiring Youth, The Eternal Straggler
Symbol: A Ball and Chain
Portfolio: Background characters, cautious powerquesting, loose networks of friendship
Alignment: Neutral Good
Weapon of Choice: Club
Worshipers: The players of minions, the young and the newbies. Those who dream of recognition

History/Relationships: It is unknown how The Eternal Straggler came to become a deity. It is widely considered it might have been as a pun by the overgod, or through some magical accident by a Greater Deity. What is known however, is that he has grown significantly since he emerged. Through the years since he arrived, he has been considered many things by the other deities.

Some have scorned him, others encouraged or even helped him while many more have simply stared at him with befuddled disbelief. All the years he has been known to tie alliances, rarely to his own favour, with selfish deities of great agendas. He has never truly profited from this, tending instead to gullibly assist these deities with all they wish, only to crash utterly and restart his climb of the ladder when they no longer have need of him.

Lately, he has often been influenced by The Power Gamer to join in excessive questing, and been fooled into believing that this is a true means to recognition. His goal has always been to be held in high regard by the other deities, yet has with time instead been transformed into a stepping stone for the new deities to push off from on their rise.

Dogma: Strive always to improve yourself; the best means to do this is by having as many friends as possible. Trust always in your friends, for even when it seems they don't care at all, it is surely so they are just having a rough time.

Quest frequently, but interrupt your questing with frequent sessions of irrelevant roleplay, and long winded emotes. Always act as if you're more powerful than you are, and eventually you will also become what you appear.

When attacked, you should never be afraid to retreat. Running is a sign of wisdom in many cases. And staying to fight can really hurt.




I can't determine if it's a joke or a vendetta, so i guess if it's a joke it's not that funny. If it's a vendetta it shouldn't be here.


Quote from: Letsplayforfun;149837wtf?

I can't determine if it's a joke or a vendetta, so i guess if it's a joke it's not that funny. If it's a vendetta it shouldn't be here.

It's a joke dude.

Listen in Silence

Playff is just sad nobody's done him yet.