The Story of the Gnomes Vol2: Gnomish Gods

Started by EFU_Orc, October 08, 2009, 04:50:35 PM

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Gnomish Gods
Garl Glittergold - Part father, part guiding hand, part storyteller and part teacher. Garl is many things to many Gnomes. All Gnomes look to him for guidance and all other Gnomish gods look to him for leadership in times of peace and times of strife.
His dogma is simple for its clarity and brilliance. It binds we Gnomes together, warms our hearts and keeps us safe, as well of course as ensuring we laugh heartily.
The following is an abbreviated version of the insight of Garl Glittergold:
While life may sometimes be hard, it is important to keep a sense of humor and always welcome opportunities for laughter and delight.

Communities are forged through the cooperation and communal spirit of a group of individuals who work and play together. The strength of a community is the cooperation that binds individuals into more than the sum of their contributions.

A great prank can help to lighten hard times and make good ones shine. Those who are in authority should never take themselves too seriously, or they lose touch with those they direct and care for.

Teach and preserve the tales and traditions of the Forgotten Folk, so that they are never forgotten among their own kind. Do not fear change or the unorthodox, for therein lies the future. Finally, in all things, do what works.

There are no finer teachings in this humble Gnomes opinion than these words. Whatever circumstances you are in these words ring true.
Garl can be found in each joke we fell, each foe we slay and each friend we make. He is the Gnomes and we are him. Wherever you travel on thi isle of Ymph and beyond keep him in your heart and keep him close, if you do so you will never waiver.
Baervan Wildwanderer: Of course Garl is not alone in the Pantheon of Gnomish gods. Baervan is concerned with the natural world and all the creatures in it. Any Gnome travelling through the wilds or woods should think and offer a short prayer for the guidance and help of Baervan.
My travels across Ymph to this point would point to the Tangled Wood or Starwood as places where his eye may wander. Gnomes may wish to think of him as they travel these parts.
Baravar Cloakshadow: Whilst Garl's pranks, even against sworn enemies, retain a jovial nature, the same cannot always be said for Baravar's. "Get you retaliation in first" is a common saying amoung his followers. He loathes all evil races and their deities, with a deep passion, unsurpassed in we Gnomes.
Given the close proximty of the Goblins of the squat as well as Orcs in the wilds there is plenty for Cloakshadow's followers to hate on this isle. There are also many dark and safe places though, not least beneath the Ziggurat. When travelling these, keep Baravar in mind and he will help keep evil away.
Callarduran Smoothands: The patron of our deep Gnome cousins, Callarduran is not well known to we surface dwellers. What i can say is that is a foe of all the evil races of his deep underdark abode and is mistrustful of almost all others.
I have heard tales of routes to the underdark located on this isle of a "Way". If such are true then if a Gnome should travel on it they should offer a short thought and prayer to Callarduran, to ensure their staying the Underdark is a safe one.
Flandal Steelskin: Flandal is the Gnomish god most interested in mines and ways to get the most out of them. Given the number of mines in the mountains whenever a Gnome is travelling through them, or trying to get something from them, they should offer a short prayer to him.
His love of mines and mining makes him a firm friend of most dwarves, though I have not come across many on this isle should i do so i will think of Flandal when i do.
Gaerdal Ironhand: The protective and warrior god of we Gnomes, Gaerdal is an asset in any battle. He regularly gets to use these skills in combating our hated enemy the Kobold scum. Though his talents are also exerted against goblinoid and orcish foes as well.
Given the huge arrays of the evil creatures on this isle and the tales of battles past against them (Red Eleint in particular) any Gnome would do well to ensure that when travelling in areas where they are known to dwell you think of Ironhand as you may need his aid more quickly than you think!
Segojan Earthcaller: The protector of the dead and the Gnomish god of the earth, Segojan would have his work cut out on the isle of Ymph! He and his followers would also of course find allies equally easy to come by, as for every Nightriser there is a fighter of undead. The most obvious allies of Segojan outside of their Gnomish brethern would be the Pallid Mask. These fighters of undead would have firm friends in the followers of Segojan.
Should a Gnome ever fight alongside the Pallid Mask or indeed combat the undead Nightrisers themselves, think of Segojan and all he does to keep the dead Gnomes where they below, in the Golden Hills.
Sebo Rumplstkinion
Priest of Garl Glittergold