Alternate scripted XP gain for druids

Started by Cruzel, October 06, 2009, 06:15:34 PM

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Druids are a class on EFU that like the paladin, are bound by oaths and codes. If they falter from their duties they will lose their powers just as a paladin does.

One of the main objectives of the druid is to uphold the balance of the land. Right now the only real way to do this is to do scripted quests making up some reason why the monsters in this quest threaten the balance (Which can be fun and cool to hear the creative reasons druids come up with) and via PVP, striking at those PCs who would threaten the balance (Necromancers, people who overhunt, etc.).  But while these can be fun, I really think there should be another way to uphold one's druidic oaths, and a large portion of this is to walk the lands that the druid is supposed to protect.

I am not counting DM quests and stuff as a 'thing for druids to do' because it is unreasonable to assume every druid is going to have tons of DM attention and DM Quests/plots to drive them.

I propose a couple scripted additions for druids :

1: A scripted system to allow a druid to 'patrol' the lands, which grants them XP as they do so. By throwing in a few triggers (Yes, I know that is tedious and time consuming)  to track how much of an area a PC has covered. Once they have gone through an entire area they get flagged for having an area 'patrolled', and once they have a certain amount of wilderness areas fully patrolled they are awarded a decent XP bonus (200-400 XP?) As they get up there in levels the amount of areas needed to get this bonus should go up by a fair amount.  Restrictions could be in place to make sure they don't just stealth the entire way, such as checks being made to see if there are any abberant or unnatural creatures/balance threatening creatures or placables in the area before it will flag them.

2: Quasi-quests for druids - (Random?)Placables and the like with scripted conversations that are generated, having to do with threats to the balance. When clicking the placable druids have the option to take a number of actions regarding the the threat, some giving more XP than others (Say, a minimum of 0 and a max of 50) These could be incorporated into the 'patrolling' system suggested above, maybe a druid who is on patrol will encounter a few of these things and must deal with them in order to complete their patrol.


It would probably just be easier to add a few druid/ranger-themed quests that require a druid and/or ranger in the party, like Wolves Part 2, except being the Part 1 and having an obviously druidic angle. Maybe one could be to destroy some logging equipment, where you get bonus XP for leaving loggers alive (like saving cows/ox) except that the loggers are also hostile and need to be avoided/stunned/etc.


Cruzel has good suggestions here, but I suggest ways to gain XP for non-combat themed characters as well. DM xp will only get you so far.


It's a neat suggestion, but I don't like the "do it by yourself" aspect of it.  This will lead to druids maxing out their stealth and walking off into the wilds alone to build up save-the-forest XP.  I don't like this.  I don't like anyone doing stuff on their own, to be honest.  Whenever I see somebody far out in the wilderness or a crazy place all by themselves my first reaction is always pretty much, "wtf."  It's almost never, "woah, this guy must be doing something cool," contrary to what some might think.

Scotty's idea is better for this reason.  What Cruzel has suggested is basically like a high level delivery quest, and for the reasons I just explained, it's why we don't have any of those.  Low level solo quests are meant to give you a kick-start so you can join in on the major group activities provides as quickly as possible because we know there's not a lot of weight you can pull at level 2.

I'm sure there'd be some players out here that could make an idea like this "cool" and involve others and whatnot, but the reality is that whenever we give something the opportunity to be "soloable," people solo it, and that's not what the server is about.

I do think it's always good to cater to non-combattive characters a bit, but it's a very tricky thing to balance -- regular combattive characters can generally do everything a non-combattive character can do (whether or not it's IC or OOC), so for the combat people it's just an extra bonus.  10 Int PCs doing the disk puzzle quest?  COOOOOOL.  >_>

If we do manage to separate the opportunities well, then we also have to make sure risk and rewards are still relatively equal which is not easy.


Hmmmm... I was going to say something along the same lines, Thomas... however I'd feel a bit selfish for suggesting such since I play a Non-combat-optimized character.
I just figured non-combat-optimized characters were supposed to be more challenging is all, and that those who play them are masochists, like myself >,>.
With that said... I'm all for more scripted druid (or at least more outside of the Colony) quests... however I'm not sure about the first system you suggested.
I'd think it'd be more suitable to bundle the first suggestion into the new system "Banner/Favor" system... where there's areas, similar mechanically to the woodmill, farm, and ore mine, where you clear them to make sure the "balance" is preserved... however they'll track points which are kept an eye upon by the DM team. If the balance isn't maintained, this would open up "pandora's box" so to speak as an excuse for some threatening or evil creature that's threatening the balance to begin to take over, and possibly gather and move to expand, corrupting the forests further...
If the balance is maintained, then I'm sure the area would still have its threats, but remain normal, or perhaps yield a plentiful amount of animals for hunting that can be culled without harming the balance, or yield a larger amount of plants that are allowed to grow, or some such. I think you get where I'm going with this.
If XP would still be truely suffering, then I might suggest that druids consider that the balance extends further than the treeline, it just so happens that the forests are often the least touched.
Though my opinion doesn't matter all that much anyway, I'm just thinking out loud :P


It's easy enough to make this so you need more than one druid to do it if you really wanted to. And besides - To be perfectly honest druids or PCs that shun the ziggurat could really use something to occupy their time with while everybody else is sitting there staring outside the gates on the ziggurat ledges waiting for the next quest sending.


I usually endorse gaining XP in other ways than smashing things. I do endorse Strife's fear of 'if it's soloeable, it will be soloed", though.

Also, starting such a thing will bring rogues wanting xp for traps/locks, arcanists for scribing scrolls, etc. I'm generally in favor of that, too, but some while back it was frowned upon.

On a side note, it's also giving out xp for what you should be doing anyways, because you're RPing correctly. And isn't RP rewarding enough ;)


I don't see why this is needed. Quests are there for a reason, go out and join others in doing them. If you're out there and exploring alongside friends then feel free to drop a line to us about what you are doing. Maybe we'll stop by to watch. Paladins don't get XP for upholding their oath. Bards don't get XP for singing or using their creativity to come up with interesting stories to share. Druids don't get XP for walking the land and tending it. Yet, there are so many ways you can bring people alongside you to do these things. Come up with creative ways to bring people into the wilderness, either exploration or just for the fun of it, and really seek to make it an enjoyable experience. Levels or Xp don't make it good, involvement and RP do. Do this often, really strive to push for this and I assure you, we will notice. And I personally have no qualms about giving XP for those who do something besides quests.
Regarding upholding the balance, there is at least one plot for it right now as well as other things that are threatening it.

Norik Armel

and as a side note and maybe I am way off and this dosn't belong here but
QuotePaladins don't get XP for upholding their oath. Bards don't get XP for singing or using their creativity to come up with interesting stories to share. Druids don't get XP for walking the land and tending it.

I mean sure, I get it's a dangerous place, and combat is key but honestly there is to much. I see more and more and more people just running quest lines from dawn till dusk, which I think is also not what this server is about.  Combat is good, Group Combat is great, but there should be more to being level 8 then knowing where to find the highest amount of exp quests and making a awesome build.
I'm not saying you need to start rewarding 1000's of exp for these things.  Yes I know dms reward small exp when they can. Still, small placeables that added flavor and provided I dunno 10 exp, 20 exp (basically the same you give for exploration) would not kill the power balance, and would allow more pcs to get in touch with what there characters do. Yes every class fights, but they should do more then that to.
Just my two cents, I know i'm new. ^^


While I do freely toss out RP xp in the situations talir has mentioned, it is simply not possible to catch all the cool things going on.
Frankly, some druid required quests in the wilds do make a good deal of sense. Simply require the quest taker to be a druid and that`s that.
This, I can say, I see as a frequent and recurring complaint about druids in general. Not enough to do in the wilds, and yet it is frowned upon for them to spend time in they city. Catch 22 of epic proportions.


For the record in the past druids that wandered the wilds solo habitually received very generous rewards from me, including thousands of xp/special quests/loot. But I realize that dm attention can seem fleeting.

But the best is the druid that is so excellent that they rapidly develop a following of nature oriented pcs that do interesting things and entertain each other.


I like the idea that "ScruffyMcSmirkalot" was hinting at.  Maybe not XP awarded but I like the idea of sections of the forest that can be "claimed" as protected by a group of Druids/Rangers.  If something is protected then the frequency of hostile encounters could be reduced, if the Druids abandon the area, hostile encounters increase.  It would really make the Stewards into Stewards for real...  Would also make the residents of the Zig kind of feel indebted to the nature folks for protecting the woods and give more interaction...  Gives more of a symbiotic relationship between team nature and the Zig folks since traveling to go do Harpies or the like would be through hostile or not-so-hostile areas.


No DM is going to follow a single druid around (though admittedly, Nut does enjoy killing my druids) without his posse. Druid required quests for the win!

Norik Armel

I think a druid quest would work just fine.
Similiar to the wizard only 2-7 quest you created over in east ruins. This would be similiar but just for druids, or rangers/druids or some kind of nature alignment.
Some druids should have followings but to think every druid should is silly. Several faerun druids in lore, video games, and books are hermits. They don't all tromp around with a royal troupe.  Not saying none do, just saying not all of them do.
