Landor Amortice

Started by Kotenku, September 24, 2009, 04:42:06 AM

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Landor's dead. The character was basically an excuse to explore, acquire treasure, and discover ancient secrets.

He did okay, I guess. He explored exotic locales, and made startling discoveries into ancient history. These startling discoveries often had astounding applications to reality.

He participated in death defying adventures, which didn't always turn out great.

As a Retainer of the House, he met lots of important people, who left a real impression, on him, before they passed away.

Landor would have been nothing without his friends, and they usually knew what was best for him.

He bore witness to great heroics, and he had a penchant for blowing shit up.

All through his career, he was dedicated to knowledge, but he learned the hard way that knowledge only comes with a terrible price.

He was very, very, very lucky to have been as successful as he was, and I hope I can play an even more enjoyable character next.

For the curious, though, I'll at least fill you in on his mysterious crossbow, which became  what it was as the result of two separate DM quest rewards, and did less damage on average than a mundane crossbow.

Thank you to everybody who beat the shit out of Landor and slandered him with stories of his uselessness. You guys know who you are, and in the end it was you folks who knew him well enough to see how lousy he was, who made Landor worth playing.


good riddance tbh
In all seriousness though, Landor was an awesome character, Coat. I really did enjoy mucking around with him during the IH days... Even if he was next to useless on most quests. <_<

Dr Dragon

Truly an awesome epic char.


Not everyone are heroes. Landor Amortice certainly was not much of one but he was an amazing and deep character nevertheless. It seems to me you have been able to get into a lot of interesting stuff that hasn't surfaced in this thread. Looking forward to your next.


cool stuff, surprised i somehow got into this screenshot topic


I hope he enjoyed that final Hisham ass-whopping >:)


But who will we make fun of now on treks across the island!?


Ironic how we discussed this like yesterday.

A very realistic character to me. Very nice Kotenku.


Daemonic Daz

A well played PC that knew exactly what he was... A simple coward. Kudos Kotenku, looking forward to your next character.


A great char that always made me laugh, even if Areus didn't think he was funny.  A great way to go out, too.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Man, that was an awesome run. Glad the way things all turned out.

Our fugue talk was so priceless. So appropriate.


<.< It was so friggin awesome seeing Mhaalurg emote when I entered his grove, "Chews on Landor's fingers."

Yamol was

Luke Danger

Who am I going to cover the sorry arse of now? :P

Jayde Moon

Nice fucking work on this one.  Bummer on a lot of these that I was locked up in a nature PC and din't get to hang with these guys more often.