Lumberjack Random Area Hostility Silliness

Started by Nihm, September 20, 2009, 02:34:15 AM

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These lumberjacks shouldn't be hostile and just attack any pc on sight regardless of who the pc is.  This is silly and also removes any morality from the situation.
Make them neutral and have a bit of dialogue that allows pcs to challenge them and turn them hostile.  That way it is actually a murdur committed by the pcs, and not self defense, as it is currently with the lumberjacks just rushing madly at anyone they see.  
Also they don't drink their buff potions, which they should do.


I would say it's reasonable, on this island, for people to flip out and attack armed wanderers.



only ninjas are allowed to flip out and attack people


And if ninjas are ever added, they will need vorpal weapons, to better flip out and cut off heads.


I'd say permanent haste and no casting time teleport self. Permanent True Strike.


I find it amusing the DMs assumed that whenever a group encountered Lumberjacks in a random area, it would be team nature.


Egon the Monkey

And that Team Nature would want to kill them. A NG druid would be more likely to talk and ask them to replant the trees than decide to drop a Bearstrike on their collective ass.

I totally agree with Nihm here. Non-hostile, dialogue options to get rid of them for XP. Bluff check (Orders from on high to cease logging here), Intimidate check (There are a LOT of bandits around here, wouldn't it be TERRIBLE to run into some *taps spear meaningfully), or Persuade check (You should probably move on, but it'll be a good idea to chuck some of those seeds around, make sure the next generation of lumberjacks'll have a business). And then a final option of "flip out and kill them". You could even add 5 Chaos points for the speaker if the bluff them away, 5 Good for a Persuade and 5 Evil for attack.


That's a bug. These lumberjack aren't meant to be hostile.

Daemonic Daz