EfU:A Booming!

Started by Blake the Boar, September 04, 2009, 02:42:33 PM

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Blake the Boar

I have noticed recently, a lot of activity, a lot of people doing shit, making things happen, making the server interesting and fun, in a special way, that I have never seen before in my short experience with the server. Every single character I come across with interesting concepts, backgrounds, skilled and involving rping, oddidities to a minimun, a great active DM team making shit happen (even currently not having any character deeply involved in anything), many paralel plots of short and long term happening at the same time, all of it combined with late sweet mechanical changes. This server became the Formula 1 of RPing servers, beating any other newer games, that have virtualy less mechanical limitations.

Kudos to every single player and DMs, you are all making EfU:A more fun each day, if that's ever possible.


john was a scientist, he was hooked on lsd

Blake the Boar

Interested in mind control and how the monkey held the key




Man I am having such explosive flatulence. =/


I guess EfU isn't the only thing booming around here?
*ba dum bum ching*


Do you smell something...? *looks about*


What's the taste of love?

What's the texture of a smile?


What's sort of interesting is that although the total number of players and characters hasn't increased noticeably, individual players are spending more time in game with their particular characters which is keeping in-game player count a little higher and is making it seem more active overall.

..And I think that's better than having a bunch of one-off characters trodding about who you've never seen before.


A phenomenon being a possible side effect of EfUSL? When you don't see people in you know, you don't log in and vice versa. A silly and vicious cycle has been revealed.


Well, efusl has been around for 3 years.  I'm talking about a trend that's shown itself in the last 2 weeks.  Of course, that's still likely a valid factor.


I personally approve of this trend. EfU has never been something I want in small bites. If I don't have at least three hours to kill, I usually don't log in.

Jayde Moon

I think that it has a lot to do with the inclusion of some DMs who have been VERY active, as of late.

Gippy (who leaves for school), Wern, CrazyHeart (Fleeting Nut[z]?) have been putting in a lot of time actively DMing.

When DMs are doing stuff, you notice it, more players will log on and stay on.  Then, as Wern said, more players will note that more players (and DMs) are on and they'll log on, keeping our numbers up while interesting things go on.

Keep this trend going, and we'll start drawing and keeping new players.  No deluge, but a few here and there.


LOL @ all the doomsayers who were getting about around two weeks ago.


My flatulence is gone too. :D