Shieldmeet approaching?

Started by ScruffyMcSmirkalot, August 23, 2009, 11:28:50 AM

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Yeah... well... I'm still new, but I was looking through some stuff... and I remembered that this server observed a living calendar...
Anyhoo, this might be a bit early... but...
Shieldmeet is coming up, which only comes every 4 years in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.
As far as I know, being it only happens once every 4 years, it's sort of (depending on the region) a big thing. Another important factor is that according to this post, the last Shieldmeet was actually when the original EfU server began in-game...
So um... maybe people should start planning some sort of celebratory thing in game? I would have just done this in-game... but Shieldmeet I think is one of those things where most characters would know about it, so I thought I'd post it here for a pointer in case anyone didn't really notice >,>.
80 days to go? or two and some-odd months left, rather.
Figured I'd post something, because I'm sure if I don't, I'll forget later, heh.


It was always a fun festival that we enjoyed setting up for on other servers.  I'd love to see it here on EfU too.  Maybe marked with another major tournament held on Lord Alemander's Tourney grounds with events occurring over several days on a broader scope.


Radical. Thanks for the heads up.


You know, since there are conveniently 12 months in the FR calendar and 30 days (close enough) in both RL and FR calendars, it might be prudent to just combine the two. And just ignore the fact that there are two sunrises in the same day because.

Just a side discussion we could have, I think.


It's the way we did it in EFU. Because of the no day/night cycle thing.
The fact that it was changed to a different amount of time IG is because it would mean that you'd be playing in day or night as determined by your timezone, eg., someone from Japan might not be able to play at night at all simply because theyre in a different timezone, meaning they'd completely miss out on nightriser invasions and other such night-only events.


Yes, and with Nightrisers, nighttime is much more dangerous than the daytime.

I'm saying each calendar day could have two sunrises and two sunsets, so two in-game/skybox-changing days could constitute a calendar day. Right now, dates serve only as a sort of an RP touch, and little else because they're totally irrelevant to what's going on IG.


Do you mean six hour days?


I believe the IG Date is already set to match one 24 hour period of real time. For instance, the date listed in IRC should only go up once per day. Meanwhile in game, the "day" already shifts twice per real day, but this has no bearing on the Date.


I just treat it like long distance travel.  

For Example:  The DM says you travel by ship for ten days.  Obviously, for those in the colony ten days didn't pass by, nor did the calendar change, nor did the sun rise and set that many times.  So when a DM says you've traveled for a length of time it's just to give the PC's an idea how long they've been at it.

It is the same with the day / night cycle IG.  I try and keep the actual game day separated from the day / night cycle.

If you wanted to keep pushing this line of reasoning, I'd have to question why so many PC's characters are running around while not being sleepy at 3AM. :p

Although, I will admit that this was one of the nice features of the Underdark that I miss. ;)


Quote from: Meldread;142023It is the same with the day / night cycle IG. I try and keep the actual game day separated from the day / night cycle.

This statement perfectly demonstrates the problem.
Not that that's the way Mel's doing it, but that, apparently, everyone has a completely different way of doing it.


Quote from: Meldread;142023I just treat it like long distance travel.  

For Example:  The DM says you travel by ship for ten days.  Obviously, for those in the colony ten days didn't pass by, nor did the calendar change, nor did the sun rise and set that many times.  So when a DM says you've traveled for a length of time it's just to give the PC's an idea how long they've been at it.

It is the same with the day / night cycle IG.  I try and keep the actual game day separated from the day / night cycle.

If you wanted to keep pushing this line of reasoning, I'd have to question why so many PC's characters are running around while not being sleepy at 3AM. :p

Although, I will admit that this was one of the nice features of the Underdark that I miss. ;)

"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


I have failed twice to explain the idea, and would likely continue to do so without some impressive diagram that I don't feel like drawing up. But I'm a sucker for punishment. >.>

I believed that the date, according to !date, changed every 10-12 hours according to the in game day/night cycle. If what FleetingHeart says is true, IS true, then I was mistaken.

In the case that one day, according to !date, is a 24 hour cycle, then why is it so at odds with our own calendar? My suggestion is just to simplify it, and equivilate our own calendar with Harptos' calendar. January = Hammer, Alturiak = February, and so forth.

This would drastically, immediately jar the "canon" timeline of EfU for the moment between the current IG date, Mirtul 11th 1376, to my suggested "parallel" time of Eleasias 24th 1376 (the eighth month of Harptos, thus equivalent to August 24th, 2009). Aside from this confusing alteration, it would make using the IG/FR calendar significantly easier, and thus more people would be inclined to use it.


Not to throw this calendar thread off topic, but I like the idea of celebrating shieldmeet.