New Player - New Character Concept

Started by hillbillyknight, August 20, 2009, 04:15:06 AM

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Hello all. I was thinking about an engineer type character who lands shipwrecked in the archipelago. He'd be a high intelligence rogue/wizard type of character specializing in traps, crafting wands/scrolls, and being a support type character. He'd be RP'd as one who works behind the scenes to support someone's cause. I'd rather not play an evil character, so he'd be either neutral or good. Now to the question...
Please give me some ideas about where he'd fit in well. Also as I prepare a background story and character build planning, what level can I expect him to spend the majority of his time? That will make a difference how I put the character together. One final question. ;) While browsing the new character information, it seems many of the guilds say no wizards. Did I read that right?
Thanks in advance for your help.


I built a Rogue/Wizard to reach 6, and hit level 10.

6 is usually a pretty safe bet, though.

Disregard the information on class requirements for server factions. They're really just guidelines, and even then aren't always correct.

I'm naturally biased toward House Sharboneth, but the House really is an appropriate faction for any character at all who's interested in developing the Colony into something better.

Alignment-wise, it's very much in the Neutral zone. Sharboneth Armsmen are Law-enforcers, but definitely have work for others. You could be like Agent Q, making gadgets for the men to use.

The Retainers are more the outward face of the House, who act as the direct representatives of Lord Sharboneth on the island.


Mendon Estate would be very receptive toward this kind of character.  We are a merchant house, neutral-aligned with slight leanings toward the good and lawful side of things.

As an engineer, you will probably spend the majority of your time below lvl 6.  Projects will be open for suggestion, but funding probably won't be provided for engineering projects deemed unlikely to be profitable.  Renovation of property or construction of a new building, and ship repairs are all possibilities, though so far the faction does not own any such permanent property.

Ymphan Arcana may also be a good fit for such a character, and of course House Sharboneth.


If he's a halfling, the Children of Yondalla faction could always use more members.
<@Mort> Dhund is on the money, imo


As could dwarves, and maybe elves. Racial groups and factions can prove quite fun. There are no widely known gnomish or half-orc groups right now, though.


Maby make him a Gnome and team up with my Gnomish Mechamancer? And actually get some more people in the Mechanized Unit?


Gnomish gundam army. Yes I can see it now.


EFUA needs a true gnome faction.
Golden Hills Union came close, but it was more of a gnome faction in the way that the Colony is a human settlement. Not like the racial factions we have now.
And, I still have a gnomish wizard sitting in my vault that would be hard-pressed to refuse the call of his fellow gnomes.


Detective Hollows from the Kassandra Hollows Detective Agency would need devices and gadgets. Work freelance. For whom you want and went you want.


I vote for something a little more unusual. While Tinker type gnomes and dwarves make stereotypical sense... And Human tinker types are well within reason... I'd say go with an elf. Join up with the elf faction.

Also, just to give you some information since you're new (and this system is too!) if you want to make an engineer there is something to consider once you get in game. EFUSS is a new custom skill system for EFU:A. It is entirely optional and mostly RP, but it seems like something that would fit well with your concept. There are many skills involved here that might fit your character. Most importantly the engineering skill. Some other flavor skills might include astronomy, carpentry, and metalworking. These three are truly just RP, but the Engineering check can be useful in many scripted quests and also potentially in DM events.

Also! So much info... oh my. We have a custom Alchemy and Herbalism system here that may interest your character. If these are things that would interest you, be sure to pick up some points in Alchemy and Herbalism with your EFUSS skill points, as well as Lore (this effects both alchemy and herbalism) and Spellcraft (alchemy only). Recipes are learned in game, but I've no doubt that you'll learn a few rather quickly if you can fall in with a faction.

Apart from all that... Welcome to EFU:A and have fun!


-Definitely- make him a halfling. They're cooler than elves, smarter than humans, more organized than dwarves, and stick together much more than gnomes.
That aside, there's also a growing halfling population that is quickly banding together and uniting. Now's the greatest time ever to join us!

Blake the Boar


Quote from: Finktank;141543-Definitely- make him a halfling. They're cooler than elves, smarter than humans, more organized than dwarves, and stick together much more than gnomes.
That aside, there's also a growing halfling population that is quickly banding together and uniting. Now's the greatest time ever to join us!

Dude. Gnomes are way more community-minded than haflings. You could even call them xenophobic to a degree.



Welcome. Any alignment, standard race, class, or faction is a fine choice for finding your way around. Make sure to ask around ICly/OOCly if you have any questions, most are more than willing to help.