Suggested Improvements to the Ally / Questing System (Version 2)

Started by Meldread, August 16, 2009, 09:17:52 PM

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I am starting a new thread, because the old one is five pages long, and we've had about two weeks to really try it out.

Here are my suggestions for the Ally System.

1.  There should be a rival command known as /c setenemy.  This would work exactly the opposite of /c setally, automatically making individuals you set as an enemy hostile all the time.

2.  There should be a command known as /c allylist and /c enemylist.  This would allow you to view all individuals on either list.

3.  I am not sure if this is possible, but it is certainly desirable for me, I'd like to be able to add / remove people from my enemy or ally list without them standing nearby or even being online.

4.  I'd like all members of a banner faction to automatically be added to the ally list, and the ability to set other banner factions as either allies or enemies.


Here are my suggestions for the Party System.

The only clunky aspect of the new party system is getting a quest.
I know these suggestions would require much more work, but I think it could make the system run even smoother than the old system.

1.  All quests should have the ability to be taken by a single individual.  This would end the need of everyone having to surround a quest giver.  It would also end the possibility of people accidentally being caught in AoE range.  Players going on the quest could then be added one by one with the quest tool.  This should also reduce OOC banter that sometimes takes place when getting quests.

I do not believe this would be unbalancing as a result of the min / max level of all quests.  Rewards should be scaled down accordingly, discouraging soloing.  

2.  After taking the quest, you could get some yellow text in your combat window explaining how the questing system works (for new players).  It'd inform you that you've been given a quest token, inform you to use it on other players who want to join the quest, as well as the fact that your journal has been updated with quest X, which has a level range of Y - Z and is designed for group of A - B in size.

3.  A mechanism could be put in place that prohibits PC's from taking another quest if they have not abandoned / ended the quest they were on previously.  This solves a nagging problem in the system with people forgetting to abandon or end quests.

4.  Grouping should be better promoted.  Especially larger groups.  Danger scales with more people, but I also think XP and treasure should also scale up significantly.  A downside of the new system is that having a full group is less desirable, because it makes the party harder to manage and coordinate.  Thus, larger groups should be rewarded accordingly.

5.  Anyone who attempts to abandon the quest using the NPC dialog should simply be removed from the quest, not end the quest for the entire group.


Some of these suggestions may or may not be desirable for a number of reasons.  However, I'm tossing them out there to be discussed.


*Goes to roll his improved expertise dwarven ranger and power level to level 9 and solo Orcs 1 and two.*

In support.


Quote from: Meldread;1410041.  There should be a rival command known as /c setenemy.  This would work exactly the opposite of /c setally, automatically making individuals you set as an enemy hostile all the time.

Massive server load. Not worth it.

Quote from: Meldread;1410042.  There should be a command known as /c allylist and /c enemylist.  This would allow you to view all individuals on either list.

My understanding is there already is one.

Quote from: Meldread;1410043.  I am not sure if this is possible, but it is certainly desirable for me, I'd like to be able to add / remove people from my enemy or ally list without them standing nearby or even being online.

In its current implementation, technically possible.

Quote from: Meldread;1410044.  I'd like all members of a banner faction to automatically be added to the ally list, and the ability to set other banner factions as either allies or enemies.

Setting banner factions as allies should be possible. You could probably make it to include your own banner, too, but not individual banner members (you can't update old members when a new members joins).


Quote from: Meldread;1410041.  All quests should have the ability to be taken by a single individual.  This would end the need of everyone having to surround a quest giver.  It would also end the possibility of people accidentally being caught in AoE range.  Players going on the quest could then be added one by one with the quest tool.  This should also reduce OOC banter that sometimes takes place when getting quests.

I do not believe this would be unbalancing as a result of the min / max level of all quests.  Rewards should be scaled down accordingly, discouraging soloing.

Couldn't EFUQS be set to only allow people to actually enter the QA if at least the minimum have been added by the quest-taker, thereby eliminating, not just discouraging soloing?

The rest of Meldread's suggestions seem like pretty good ideas.  At least those capable of being implemented.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Quote from: Meldread;1410044.  I'd like all members of a banner faction to automatically be added to the ally list, and the ability to set other banner factions as either allies or enemies.

The only one I do have a problem with. What about inter faction conflict? Although this does not apply to all factions, some do have conflict within themselves. Like the Watch as an example.


You can remove people from your ally list currently.  You just need to stand next to them and type the /c setally command again.  

Alternatively, if you need to fight one or more of them, you can set them to hostile the old fashioned way.

St Juste

Quote from: Meldread;1410044.  I'd like all members of a banner faction to automatically be added to the ally list, and the ability to set other banner factions as either allies or enemies.

I think this is wrong, if one join in secrecy to a banner you discover him in a ooc mode, another example, Gurgle the Barbarian kill a Stygian and go around the woods in armor and full helm, Minnie the Stargazeer see him (and she don't know Gurgle) but she know now that he is not a stygian because she had set the stygian faction hostile


Too many commans = less fun.


I agree with Disco here. If the new system means learning lots of new chat commands, it's not going the right way.


You never need to use a chat command ever.

You can get to level 10 and have the most successful character ever without ever once using these commands.

You don't have to learn these.  We have a zillion chat commands already that barely anyone knows.  Some people know, sure, but there are plenty of others you just don't need!  This is one of those!


Offtopic, but .... A zillion? Are they all documented or are there some that we could be using that aren't on the webpage? :-) I personally love chat commands. Like the description modification ones impressed me greatly when I returned to play here.


Quote from: FleetingHeart;141119Are they all documented or are there some that we could be using that aren't on the webpage?

A few aren't because they're revealed in some random post and I'm generally the only one who updates that page. I think the backpack one is one of them.


I like Meldreads suggestions but in particular I like letting one person get a quest instead of having the minimum have to stand around the quest give.  It seems that if you are being hired to perform some action, it would be very IC to let your leader go and obtain the contract for you.


Given the way it all works, I just don't think the above is possible.