Review: Disabled Parties

Started by Snoteye, August 16, 2009, 08:14:14 AM

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But seriously, the number of nays vs yays is tellingly close. What then has to be considered is not only whether the new party-less system is more popular, but whether keeping it will drive some of those "nay" people away from playing on the server.

Do we want to lose players because of this change? Do we adopt a new system that may reduce the player base, or keep the older system which will likely not lose us any players if we stick with it?

Incidentally, I did vote yay. Even so, I am concerned about the number of people that don't like it.


If it ain't broke..


Quote from: TheWastesAreFrozen;141153So you're voting no because someone cheated? Not to mention that the person who originally took the quest would have seen everyone that was added.

Ok, except the person who took the quest had NFI about how this system works and coudn't work out who did this.

Further, if someone does something like this with the old system, at the very least everyone KNOWs who was in the party and had the quest.  So it becomes much easier to track down the cheater/exploiter through a simple method of elimination.

I voted no because the system is open to exploits and as I mentioned in a different thread it adds needless complexity to an already complex server.

Jayde Moon

Quote from: TheImpossibleDream;141160So if I were to sum up the arguments against this in 3 sentences it would be:

The change makes me feel alone when my character is alone.

I hate to seem biased but I hate the idea of change.

I don't like having to keep an eye on the screen to see where my party went.

Public poll imo!

What a great set of straw men!


I didn't think standing near a quest giver was complex myself, but okay. It sounds like you ran into -one- bug / exploit and it can be fixed.

If people are so fickle as to leave over a change that honestly isn't that different if you step back and look at it then let them go. If you're party is walking off ahead of you too much then say something about it. I know I wouldn't have an issue slowing down a bit for someone struggling to keep up for ooc reasons and I doubt many others would either.

I fail to see how being skilled at this game has anything to do with the changes, nor does your computer hardware. If anything these changes will increase your performance and since the mechanics of combat havn't been changed in any way it really shouldn't matter which system we're in, you'll suck either way?

Then again I don't think making a poll out of something you've never tried and refuse to try is kind of silly. Previous to this invitation for long winded posts about feeling lonely in a video game there were suggestions and bug reports yet very few true issues with the system. This whole situation would have been better left as it was without trying to rally people behind removing something that most (at least those willing to post) think is good.

I also wouldn't put much faith in those numbers if multiple accounts are voting in it.


Quote from: TheWastesAreFrozen;141173I also wouldn't put much faith in those numbers if multiple accounts are voting in it.

We can see all voters. This hasn't happened yet.


I am personally for the no party update and like it very much, but let's not start quarreling here and talk down against those that vote differently than you do and it is certainly a concern if so many voted no, though those who do should speak up more as well and tell us why they are against it.

Listen in Silence

I believe the few who did elaborate on their reasons for voting nay summed it up quite well enough for the rest of them. I don't see a reason for 30+ people to repeat the same thing over and over, truly.

Simply put; I believe this to be an unnecessary change with too little good come with all the bad. We're already struggling to reach 30 players even in the active timezones, these changes only serve to drive away people who are new to the game or who aren't very good at the game, while the people who are in favour generally are those who've played here for months or years already and most likely wouldn't leave the server no matter which system was in place.


Quote from: Wern8;141178I am personally for the no party update and like it very much, but let's not start quarreling here and talk down against those that vote differently than you do and it is certainly a concern if so many voted no, though those who do should speak up more as well and tell us why they are against it.

Agreed.  People should be able to post their opinions about the new system without being attacked for them, pro or con.  It is disconcerting to see so many people voting against the system, so I think having a discussion on it could potentially be beneficial.

For example, I've spoken to some people on IRC who have said they've voted no, but they also have not really tried the new system.  This goes back to my previous post in the thread.  Most people, I think, had a knee-jerk reaction when the system was first implemented (myself included).  However, after actually testing it out those that I interact with IG seem to have developed a mostly positive attitude toward it.

I'm certain that this is not true for all players; so I think we need to keep in mind that for many the new system most likely boils down to subjective feelings and gut emotions.  It's the difference between, "the change makes the server feel more lonely" compared to "the change sucks because it broke animal empathy."

I am interested in the following:
1.  How many people voted nay, but have not at a minimum taken at least five quests in the new system?

2.  How many people voted nay based upon the perceived feelings of others? (i.e. "I like it, but if it causes people to leave I want it removed.")

3.  How many people voted nay based upon general dislike of the system?  (i.e. "The new system makes the server feel lonely.")

4.  How many people voted nay based upon a handful of tangible reasons?  (i.e.  "I encountered an exploit in the system." / "It broke animal empathy.")

I think most people who voted nay can fit into one of those four categories, and knowing how many people are in each could assist in how we move forward.


If I would have to pick one.. It belive it would be a number 3.


Just going to post a second posting here.  I think this boils down to if the removal of the party system will cause new players to not want to play here, and, if it will cause existing players to lose interest.  There are certainly enough arguments FOR the change that it can be argued to have positives for a number of folks.  

The question for me personally, forgetting for a second that I voted "Nay", is if this will attract new players, or dissuade new players.  As an existing player I for one am not going to stop playing here because of this change (though I don't like it much).  New players are the lifeblood of the server in the long term though so I think it's down to them.

Blake the Boar

After experienced the new system, I would be very disappointed if ever have to get back to the old meta gaming system. Not that the server would lose me for the changing back, but I would lose some of the interest. It is like getting a raise/promotion in the job, then having to get back to your old position/wage,  same feeling, for me at least.


Quote from: Blake the Boar;141257After experienced the new system, I would be very disappointed if ever have to get back to the old meta gaming system. Not that the server would lose me for the changing back, but I would lose some of the interest. It is like getting a raise/promotion in the job, then having to get back to your old position/wage,  same feeling, for me at least.

Lol, yea i have similar sentiments.

I would also disagree with the notion that this will dissuade players from here. I'm sure alot of folks who haven't tried the new system will enjoy it upon coming here.


I quite like the changes. I am not sure many current players will be driven away, as they know the server and will adapt more than likely.
I am however concerned regarding the high number of "No's" and if this is reflected in new players many people may try the Server out, find they don't like it and not come back.
We need new players to keep the server as interesting and vibrant as it is. This is such a fundamental change to the gaming experience, we need to consider carefully if its worth it.


What I fail to understand is... If so many people like it because it stops them from metagaming, why can't they just stop themselves in the first place, rather than having a new system do it for them?  If they truly seek immersion in the game world, a few pictures on on side of their screen shouldn't hurt then terribly.
  Some have suggested that the few problems with the new system can be fixed easily, but I have yet to see them suggest how.
  As far as changing back to the old system, I wouldn't refer to it so much as losing your new pay raise as getting a pay cut then later, getting your original pay back, no worse for wear.