New Weapons for EFU:A

Started by Wern8, August 07, 2009, 10:14:15 AM

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Blake the Boar

IMO, any changes in this part should be towards P&P weapons that are missing in NWN engine. Since it is possible, the ones I see fit: One handed spear, Maul (Two handed warhammer) and Falchion  (two handed scimitars). Then to adapt the weapons, add +1d2 for scimitars and call it a falchion, etc. I'm not sure if rescaling is possible for weapons, also, one that picks focus on scimitar would get falchion for free ...


One-handed spears and mauls are purely awesome and if this can be done with some sort of ease then hopefully it will be done xD



They can be done. The question is do we want it?

It gets a little funky. For example, the change would be implemented server side, but require you to have an override to take advantage of it, just as Dual Wielding Whips requires an override right now. So, with the override in place, ALL spears would become one handed. All warhammers would become two handed. At least as far as your character is concerned. Anyone else could still use the weapons as their original counterparts if they chose not to install the override.


Perhaps an override would be designed for each'd be tedious though.


It doesn't require the use of an override, afaik.  They are "new" weapons.


Similar to the spear and Maul thing would it be possible to see Bastard swords used two handed as well, as they are hand-a-half swords?

Blake the Boar

Quote from: Mannykins;139764Similar to the spear and Maul thing would it be possible to see Bastard swords used two handed as well, as they are hand-a-half swords?

Mauls are not war hammers. Similar, but bigger. They deliver more base damage than 1d8. However, at least in P&P, any medium weapon can, deliberately, be wielded with two hands. In fact, the bastard sword is a two handed martial weapon, the exotic proficiency is only to wield it with one hand.

As for NWN, I'm not sure if it is possible to make it switchable. In NWN2, if you have no off hand weapon or shield, you automatically wield it with two hands, but it is a completely different engine.

I believe just working towards getting the light spear, maul and falchion is already a great addition, if not too hard to do. I just wonder how would those be treated feat wise. If their base type is considered the same of their smaller counterparts, then would be unbalanced to take, for instance, weapon focus in war hammers and getting focus on mauls for free.


Quote from: FleetingHeart;139679I would love to see quarterstaves made into double weapons, however >.>

I wouldn't. Quarterstaves are supposed to be easy to use, whereas a double weapon is nothing of the sort.


A quarterstaff is the easiest weapon to use aside from your fists. It can be used as a flailing weapon, (Hold one end a swing, hard) it is more versatile, and durable, than a double sword, and indeed, both ends can be used to devastating effect. (I know, i got a reward for best use of a quarterstaff in my karate school).

THey are indeed double weapons.

Blake the Boar

Quote from: Thomas_Not_very_wise;139798(I know, i got a reward for best use of a quarterstaff in my karate school)

I wonder how hard it is to impress students of the art of EMPTY hand (Karate) with your quarter staff skills ...

Anyway, quarterstaves are not double weapons. Some very skilled warriors actually manage to get two attacks with them, using both ends! As soon as they reach level 6 ...


As a disclaimer, this should only work offline. However, to save yourselves from a possible banhammer, make certain it is not installed in the overrides whenever you log into EFU:A, or any other server, for that matter.

Anyway, the file attached with allow the following:
  • Double-Weapon use of Quarterstaves
  • One hand use of Spears. (gogo Spartans with Round Medium Shield, Spear, Red Loincloth, and Helm)
  • Two handed use of WarHammers (say hello to Mauls, the damage is also changed to match that of a Maul, however this won't show up in the description of the item, only in your character sheet)
  • Dual Wielding of Whips (just like on EFU:A)
Also not that as a side-effect, small creatures can now use spears two handed and cannot use warhammers at all, since these weapons are now classified as Medium and Large respectively.

Give it a try if you want. :-) If the DMs choose, they can implement this on the Server and thus allow anyone to use weapons in these ways online. If you do not have the override, you will use the weapons in the default manner, if you do, you will use them as above.

EDIT: New Damage ranges
Spear = 1d6 (20/x2)
Warhammer/Maul = 1d10(20/x2)



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I'm pretty sure this override won't work correctly on the server. The server will be expecting the items to be equipped one way, while the client is trying to equip them another (for example, the client will try to equip a shield or offhand weapon with the spear, but the server is expecting it to be one-handed).

This isn't an issue with the dual-wielding whips because the whips, by default, only work in the off-hand, but still allowed a primary-hand item to be equipped. The modification simply allowed this primary-hand weapon to also be a whip.

Also, the damage dice changes should (hopefully) not be applied by the client. The ability to make a 99d99 spear client-side doesn't mean when you log in to EFUA that it'll be 99d99. It should be whatever the server has (1d8). If the server added this override, all spears would become 1d6 - but only people with the override would be able to equip something off-hand, too.

I believe ExileStrife was thinking about NWNX functions earlier to modify spawned item properties. I'm pretty sure this is not something that should be done with overrides.