Pickpocketing NPCs

Started by lovethesuit, August 07, 2009, 09:27:27 AM

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I've noticed some dialog options to use pickpocket lately and I really dig it. One place I think it is missing is with the Beggar Child NPCs. It seems there's no option in their convos to use pickpocket. I assume this is a bug so I am reporting it.




I'm sorry Mort, you're right. This really does sound more like a suggestion. Would a DM be willing to send this thread over to the Suggestions subforum pretty please?


Pick pocketing beggars. Man, what has the world come to...
"You manage to steal a crumb of bread".
"You manage to steal the coin you gave him moments before"
"The flees find you a much better host".


Quote from: Letsplayforfun;139690"The fleas find you a much better host".
Oh god yes.


Good idea, Letsplayforfun.

Listen in Silence

Way to implement morals in a game featuring genocide and slavery.


As if the history of the western world wasn't built on slavery and genocide >.>

I say all NPCs ought to be pickpocketable. Well, the ones with pockets anyway.

Drakill Tannan

I'd like to see the option of pick pocketing the colonists. But since they are so many, the posible reward should be small.