Fongs Character Poll

Started by Semli, August 07, 2009, 04:19:53 AM

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Vote on your favorite concept. The winner with the most votes will be played by me, providing I gain DM approval (if necessary).



Fong, play what you want dude. At the very least, grab a player you respect and just make a sidearm PC for them... and maybe it'll end up awesome. That's what Illario Dentra started as, tbh. Either way, you'll have fun with a friend.

If you want a real challenge, I'd like to see you play a bard with stardom intentions. A singer/songwriter that everyone knows about on the server as such, and everyone respects. Think of a concept like that so it belongs to YOU, not someone else. At the worst, resort to aforementioned steps.


Song-writing bards are a lot of fun.  I had a great time doing that myself. It is a lot of work though, trying to come up with custom songs for the EfU setting!



tits or gtfo kthx


forget garem he doesnt know what he's on about.

make a kobold pirate lord who's a eunuch since crotchrot made him lose his balls. he will pillage and plunder in order to get equipment to sell, thereby spreading wealth around so that poorer folks can afford prostitutes who they can pay for unprotected sex, and the prostitutes will get pregnant and spit out bastards.

He should be a chaotic neutral barbarian, and i guess also he should dabble in like, illegal crime stuff too.

do that, and you'll make ervrybody happy.

[edit] sorry, forgot the auril requirement, but who cares because the only one who likes that is like nihm or something what a loser right?


I voted eneuch just so you need to actually determine a class, a race, a concept anyways.



When Delcort is no more, expect to see a kobold pirate lord coming to a Ymph near you.


He better be a Eunuch gone Kobold Pirate Lord.