No More Tells

Started by Jasede, August 04, 2009, 09:05:50 AM

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Hello friends,

what would you think of the DMs making it so players can send no more tells to each other for a weekend, just to try it out? This is just a hypothetical question because I don't see them every trying it out, but in your opinion, do you think having no tells (aside of from and to DMs) is a good or bad thing?

Myself? I send a lot of tells, and start of discussions and such, and send greetings and receive greetings, tell jokes and laugh at jokes, and so on. They're a very social component. But now with the overrides, the no-party update and so on, I'm wondering how EfU would be if it was taken to the next level of immersion - no more tells.

As someone who uses them a lot, I think it'd be actually beneficial. I tend to get distracted and carried away with them a lot, and it is only rarely that something of actual importance is said. I'm not sure how others feel about this, though.

So - if there were no tells, how'd you feel about EfU? Would you think it's an improvement? If this thread has some positive voices I might post a Suggestion about this, even. I think it'd be fun to try out for a weekend or so, and see how it affects things, if at all.


It breaks the contact being IC I believe, no matter where you are - a tell will always appear while you are doing something in character. I say they be removed, it will be the final thing for true immersion.

Than again you could just enable tells to be off - and you will never be able to read them.


Tells is a system I do not see fit to be removed. It is a system that is not seen by others, so it also does not bother the gaming experience. Should it do so between the two sides, they can always agree that it's time to be quiet so we can play.

Homever, small things and questions are still very valuable to be had in tells. Otherwise it'll make people to alt tab all the time and hope there is someone in irc for it, or hope that this certain person is at irc. And most likely result in awkward small afks where you can't see what happened in past 30 seconds.



Quote from: Caddies;139103Retarded.

I was trying to be constructive, and you feel it somehow relevant to brush me off with "retarded"? At the very least you could have told me what's so retarded about it.

The two posters above you did a much better job at that.


Quote from: Caddies;139103Retarded.

Right up there with social mores and the concept of not being a complete twat to other people, right?

Tells serve an important function in-game; there are sometimes conflicts that can only be resolved by players firing a few quick tells back and forth between each other.

I believe there is a scripted way to block all incoming tells, and it's player-side; though I've never been able to actually make it work.

If it's indeed broken, and it can be fixed, then it'll be completely an option to all players individually whether they wish to receive no tells, or not.


There needs to be a way to communicate out of character for thousands of reasons.


Quote from: Caddies;139103Retarded.


He's making a quite sensible point, if you think it has no merit, you could say so without being a dick or, if that just isn't possible for you, not say anything at all.

I don't really see the point myself, as tells are almost always harmless, and this really would make things like "did you get the quest okay?" and any form of OOC bravado on the server would become struggled.


This is truly an unnecessary suggestion, IG tells should always be allowed. EFU:A is still just a game, no matter what one may say and if the tell system is taken out, players will probably be spamming in OOC in public when they are online far more often and as many have said here, there are thousands of reasons as to why tells is necessary.

It is of course good to get rid of metagaming and to improve immersion, but let's not take things too far.


Sorry, but I'm against this. New players can ask for help with OOC things in tells, for one thing, and whilst OOC tell conversations aren't part of RPing, they're important to actually have a sense of community.

All I can see happening is a lot of people going OOC in the main channel instead, which I think we can agree isn't the best result.

Might as well suggest we remove the forums.


Everyone is kissing Morts ass over the  lack of a party system. Shiiiat. I'll kiss his ass just for doing something so outrageously difficult but in my opinion it doesn't immerse me anymore than before. Neither will taking tells away. It's a fucking game and a video game at that not PnP let's not try to pretend it is. Let us just have fun with it. This is an amazing place wit some pretty amazing people from what I have seen, minus a few retards ofcourse.

bring back the party system and use your fucking imagination instead of being clubbed over the head with scripts that take a shitload of time to write....    What?!

Did I say thet outloud?    [burp ]  DELETE.

Listen in Silence


Not enough support. People above mostly covered it. Not happening, sorry. If you would like to disable tells for yourself, right click on the dialog menu, and turn off tells that way.


Quote from: Caddies;139103Retarded.