No More Tells

Started by Jasede, August 04, 2009, 09:05:50 AM

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Keep it civil. I've been lax in the past but I'm perfectly willing to deal out temporary bans for needless insults.

Now: There seems to be some general consensus among players that elimination of (OOC) tools must necessarily mean deeper immersion.

This is wrong.

There are many extremely good reasons we have these tools. If you're allergic to metagaming, go play with yourself, because that's the only way it can be avoided.


I just said what Metropakt would have said if he were here. Don't get your knickers in a knot ladies. HTFU!


Noobs often need it too. Just yesterday I talked to a noob in tells, to help him. It is needed for the noobs sake. His log in name was Shower-man, fyi, so that you can help him around if he need it.


I'll admit it is an interesting concept. But I'd have to say no. Personally, I believe that you need some form of ooc communication in a game this big. What I like is that other people cannot see it, so it doesn't disrupt as much as a shout (not that i mind shouts).
I think the game would be more disrupted with the // I need help   in talk or whisper. It allows people to keep ooc to a minimum IG.


There's no reason to further sacrifice convenience for immersion. It's over-rated anyways. The whole thing is. Just play what you feel like playing, how you feel like playing it, and if you get banned then just consider it a badge of honour.

Blake the Boar

I would be for it if communication with DMs could be kept. But still, how would that matter, most players and DMs are not for it.


Respectfully, this is simply a terrible suggestion. If tells were turned off you'd be making this game more into a task, you'd have even more people afk'ing to be on IRC to talk, and then there would certainly be more //ooc talk then normal talk.


I would rather have a kick in the nuts, than have this happen.
 Tells are as you said, an important social tool, and I would hate to see more // talk(wich would no doubt come if tells were impossible to do.


There was a way to turn off tells in the UD setting. You could turn them all off, or you could block tells for an individual.

I tried it for a day because I was sick of getting OOC spammed. It made things much more difficult than they needed to be.


When i first saw the thread title i thought this was a sarcastic backlashing at the new update removing parties. To see that you're actually serious surprised me. Lol... I think it'd be pretty silly to remove ALL ooc communication between players... Especially things in private that neither annoy anyone else or the DM's (the problem with party chat).

Luke Danger

I seriously think that this will just be a mess, too many minus' for the plus' to be worth it, honestly.


First of all, I would like to apologize for offending a few of you with my discussion. It was certainly not my intent to rile up anyone with what must seem a very dumb proposal.

To defend my position on the matter, I would like to speak of my experience on a place that - aside of a command for OOC - had absolutely no OOC whatsoever. This led to you never knowing anyone OOCly, except on the forums and IRC. And even then, people never revealed who they played.

This led to what may seem like no community, but it was one - the difference was, that there was a large difference between OOC and IC community, and the two never overlapped. Matters that needed discussion in tells were resolved in an in character manner and to me it seemed like really, there are almost no matters where a tell would be essential.

In terms of immersion, that place was perfect. In terms of friendliness to new players, it was not.

When it comes to newbies, though, that place had a drawback - indeed, it was only possible to give them advice through brief use of the implemented OOC command, usually only to point them to the in-game help system, the forums and the website. New players were expected to read a lot and get a feel of how they can do what on their own, but in return all this information was offered in detail, so I never felt that it was crucial to instruct anyone OOCly about anything in the game at all.

I know some will now say - why don't you play on that place, Jasede? After all you've been gone a while. Well, I would reply that it is EfU's setting and playerbase, often harsh and unfeeling as both can be at times, that I keep coming back to. I hold a kind of respect for the many hours of fun I've had here, even when I often do feel discouraged because I take what players tell me very seriously, such as when I'm told my ideas are "retarded", which does discourage me a lot from trying to bring up a discussion again, which was I suppose the intent.

tl, dr: Baaaw; I was only interested in what you'd think of having no tells, not suggesting that we should do it. To me it seemed like the next logical step, and I was wondering if others felt that way too. Seems that is not the case, which is perfectly fine.

Thanks for reading.

Drakill Tannan


Tells are a very, very usefull tool for OOC comunication that doesn't necesarily leads to metagaiming. Things like:

Player: // Dude, how do "X command"
Dude: //Type /c doXcommand

Avoid // messages hovering over characters heads. I've also used it to discuss future concepts.

Also, i'm in the fuge plane, waiting for my party to clear out the monsters and and like "Damn, send a tell saying safe already" and then i go like "Oh darn, there are no tells anymore" so i respawn and die because my patry had fleed the area to bring help but couldn't tell me, because there is no party chat nor tells. Goodbye 2 levels!

I'm sure i could find other things to add.

Also, i often "talk" to players as in casual talk. You know, real life stufff. Talk is too valuable to erase. Simply NO.


I hope i made myself clear.


Honestly, I don't think you should get rid of tells. There are OOC events that occur such as server crashes and such that might require a bit of coordination. They also allow private instruction of newbies by veterans about how the server operates if they haven't taken the time to read the forums.

Unlike getting rid of parties (which also rids party chat from DM screens, which is a boon for them), removing tells does little in this way. if you don't want to see tells, you can remove them from your screen, without having to have a server wide implementation of it.


I do not want to rid of tells. It lets us have fun tell conversations and stories with players and talk to DMs if we don't have IrC. EFU stuff would fall apart and make me feel even much more lonely.