Mini game.

Started by 13lackDr4gon, August 02, 2009, 11:01:14 PM

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Have you ever played Final Fantasy? or any other great game..
They all have a mini ganme inside the game. Such as a card game or some such.
I think EFU:A is no diferent, it needs a mini game.
Cards or something.
Post your ideas for a mini game here.
I was thinking use blank paper and write out character class eg:
Rogue beats Wizard
Wizard beats Fighter
Fighter beats Rogue
You could then play the game in the barter screen.
Could also bet gold in the same screen.
Everyone lays down the card at the same time.
Whomever has the one that wins gets a point.
Then could move onto pressteige(SP?) class eg:
Rogue turns into assassin
Wizard turns into pale master
Fighter turns into weapon master.
First to three points wins the match.
 I think its still a work in progress. but could be made easily and everyone has access to the blank paper.


There are mini games already, like Royal Dragon.


And Darts if you count it.


And the Pillars and Disks game.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


LTS, your avatar is starting to creep me out again.

Listen in Silence

Rock, dynamite with cutable wick, scissors.

Behemoth, I need to know where you live.

Luke Danger

Actually, the DM's made a joke on this in the Guildhouse in the Zig mian, just above the forgeworks, if you are able to look.


There's even a card game for sale if you want to make up your own in-game pocker.


There are some really cool games that would fit the setting well. I think anything that helps keep people logged in (especially in the Aussie time frame) would be an excellent addition.

Liar's dice, more card games, other dice games and even slot machines. Maybe a scripted arena where people can spar, watch NPC spars or even face off against some NPCs with betting and odds.


Drakill Tannan

I'd like some sort of arena where you could fight enemies in waves each time becoming harder, and were provided with potions and items for free that would disapear as soon as you leave the arena, you would gain no gold or XP but it wouldn't be lethal, so if you die no loss is had. that would be an awsome not-so-mini minigame.


Barbarian beats everything.


I'd be all for this...

More "mini-games"


I also wouldn't mind if they were blatantly ripped off from real life or other games, a la Royal Dragon and Blackjack.

Nuclear Catastrophe

If any of you find a suitably themed website for a new little one off mini-game styled event for characters to play in, I am all for it!