Hi all!

Started by Handheld Hero, August 02, 2009, 01:03:54 PM

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Hey dude. If you're looking for a good first character, I could always recommend one of the major or minor factions. House Sharboneth is really big right now, the Stygians always have fun things to do, House Mendon is expanding alot, and both dwarves and elves have their own player-run factions. It's easier to get familiar with the server if you sign on with one of these groups.



If you want to roll up a character for exploring I suggest reaching out to some of the wilds factions, the elves (Yes this is a shameles splug, but we really are alot of fun...) or the Stewards (who are druids).  We have some really great characters at the moment and this server is seriously off the hook for exploration.

Welcome to EFU, it's extremely addictive.  EXTREMELY.

Handheld Hero

Thanks, I will look on these factions.

I would like to try elves, as I haven't played them much. :D


Feel free to PM me or KreShar with any questions about the elves.  Or really any questions at all.   I'm happy to help out with any questions you might have that don't need a DM to answer.


Hey there! Join up with a faction IG, its a great way to learn about the server and find a few allies etc quickly whether it be a pc faction or DM lead one.



I loled at the lion


No more elves, pls.  Anything but an elf.  :P
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals

Daemonic Daz

More Stygians in my opinion, we've suffered quite abit recently but that just means we have to find more! :D



And regarding the sidekick I may have the opportunity for one.

Feel free to PM me on IRC, here on the forums or IG to discuss.