Remove Brew Potion/Craft Wand

Started by Daemonic Daz, July 30, 2009, 01:08:09 AM

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Daemonic Daz

I was speaking to a fellow EFU'er about this and I think it merits a mention. The majority of those that use these feats "appear" to do little else but horde gold and sit about selling all day then when they wish to go do something else, go off questing without putting the aquired gold to some use to better server in some way.

There are some really creative players on the server that can pull these kind of merchants off by getting them involved with groups and putting their hard earned gold to use or. Those that don't do this just seem to.... be there and do little to add to the server, they cant change their prices to a great degree because prices are hardcoded and then ocassions can occur where we have five arcanists/clerics both selling the same potions/wands for the same price.

With the Alchemist/Herbalism systems in place, theres the possibility of these taking the place of the potion/wand monopoly we have and finally give the marketplace some actual flexibility in terms of price change and imaginative roleplay. People could go harvest reagents for the recipes to sell to alchemists, merchants can go hire shady characters to burn their competitors Ivory Moss garden or a band of people could try to form together to create a monopoly on a certain item

As a replacement for potion and wand sellers, NPC merchants should have their prices lowered to be competitive with each other with each having a reason to buy certain potions off them and travelling across the isle for them.

Chuck in any additional ideas you have folks.


I would be against this. Simply because no one would be a brewer or crafter anymore, the plants would just shrivel up and die.

And the incentive to play a cleric or a mage also goes way down.

Luke Danger

This would be intresting, to have you actually go out and find the recipies for pots and such... though Wands should stay somewhat the same, mayhaps use a reagent as a focus depending on the spell school, but otherwise remains the same.

However... one problem would be those who already do potion/wands as is, particularly successful ones.

Perhaps the spell should be a 'rough' version of it, granting as is currently, but a serious brewer can make more via actually brewing (as in get reagents, start brewin' in the cauldron, mayhaps a skill roll for how well) and get stronger grades of it, thus being able to sell for more.

If everything is the same regardless of being a 'natural brewer' or a 'on-the-side' brewer, then it won't do much, but a 'serious brewer' and a side brewer having major differences would make a lot of sense, as well as the fact that quality > quantity (usually)


Sometimes my cleric wants wands for their use.  Sometimes my mage brews potions so I don't have to use the same spells for my group, I can give it to them.  I would rather not see the feats taken out at all.


My suggestion for this would be to implement a lowered cost of base materials for banners that complete tasks to support the suppliers in some way. Whether it's through scripted quests, DM quests or excellent roleplay, this system would create a competitive nature in the crafting business and allow prices to drop lower (or create more profit for the crafter if their competition can't sell these items as cheap)


I'd much rather have NPCs offer a wide array of potions and wands, than allow PC's to simply harvest gold for doing little more than existing.

As Daz said. Some mages can seriously pull this off and make it an involving process that brings in much fun and activity and RP to the server.

Other merchants simply log off, switch characters, and pop on with a Merchant that does these sorts of things when every someone makes a sending for it.

RwG votes No on Craftable potions and Wands in the hands of everyone. Yes to if a Wizard or Cleric proves themselves, to be able to turn it into an RP cultivating tool, instead of a simple easy moneymaker.

And the notion that "the desire to play a mage or cleric goes down" made me laugh. Hard. Appreciate it.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Simply remove the brewing potion cauldrons.


Perhaps making the cauldren a placeable and a requirement to use the feat, then only certain factions that have earned it can make them?


Bad suggestion. Leave as is.

While there may certainly be people that only sit around and brew potions/quest, there are certainly others that utilize it. If a mage wants to harness their magic to sell, so be it. If a cleric wishes to show the might of his god and possibly gain more prayers by offering these portable blessings, so be it.

Drakill Tannan

Don't remove. Add.

Keep the sistem as it is, allowing any player with the feats to craft with the already given costs. But allow herbalism, but mostly alchemy to enchance this wands and potions in various ways such as:

Crafting through herbalism a magical potion bottle that:

1) Could only be cast a specifical spell on it, so it could only make certian potion, but incresed the caster level.

2) Would reduce slightly the cost of the brew, or with better formulas reduce it even further.

3) Would allow certian non-brewable spells to be brewn, at a high cost (shielding, 4rth level spells) This kinda recipies should be hard to find though.

Or crafting a special wand that, when cast a spell on it:

1) Would only accept certian offensive, single target spells, but would reduce the cost dramatically (things such as magic missile, or negative energy ray comes to mind, you know, so wizards could use such spells in battle regulary)

2) Would increse the number of charges of a newly created wand, but accepts only certian spells. For example, making 50 charge cantrip wands.

3) Incresed caster levels, just like potions above.

4) Decresed cost, just like potions above.


The reason, this would allow the prices to vary much more, mages with acces to the reagents and formulas that allow decresed costs could offer their wands/potions cheaper, so in a way there would be a way of making competicion on other mechants by price. Other merchants would have higher quality potions/wands that would be worth more, and could be given more expensively or even at the same price to compete with other merchants. And there would also be certian wands/potions what only certian merchant would offer, and that would be nice to see.

Secondly, through this i hope wizards/sorcerers to have easier acces to cheap magic supplies to quest with, so that, as i had suggested before they would use magic rather than a crossbow when questing.

Anyway, if you want to ignore yet another attempt to make mages look like i think they should, dismiss the second part, but don't ignore the first one because of that.


Would be nice. Doubt it will happen though! (Referring to the OP)


I know how you feel about it Daz. I once did it on a character of mine.

Jayde Moon

You know, everything can be cheesed.  Removing it isn't necessarily the answer.


I think that you should jack up the price of brewing a large amount to discourage clerics made purely for farming gold, with the ability to find out about and use different regents to lower the cost back to normal or near normal.
e.g. Cure Serious costs 50 gold to brew normally or 30 with *herb X*

The Same could go for wands as well, but I find that the wand crafting group is small enough that it isn't that exploited, in my exp. wand crafters usually have some role play base going for them.


Quote from: TheMacPanther;138242I think that you should jack up the price of brewing a large amount to discourage clerics made purely for farming gold, with the ability to find out about and use different regents to lower the cost back to normal or near normal.
e.g. Cure Serious costs 50 gold to brew normally or 30 with *herb X*

The Same could go for wands as well, but I find that the wand crafting group is small enough that it isn't that exploited, in my exp. wand crafters usually have some role play base going for them.

Most likely due to the strict restrictions on wands.

But, I agree with the idea of having cheaper Wands/Potions for people who take a little risk to gather a reagent or two. Perhaps even paying small amounts for others to gather them.