The Mendon Estate Transition

Started by Meldread, July 29, 2009, 09:25:10 PM

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I believe that waypoints are being used in between transitions to ensure that PC's are facing forward on the other side.

When you enter the Mendon Estate from the outside, you end up right on top of the transition.  If the door closes before you load or move, you get stuck and someone has to open the door for you.  

Also, because of where you land, closing the door after you enter sometimes causes problems as it throws you behind the door.  Then when you get out you end up transitioning back outside.

I am requesting that the waypoint inside the Mendon Estate leading to the outside be moved forward, closer to the middle of the entry hallway.

Nuclear Catastrophe

There's an easy fix!  You just rotate the camera 180o so you are 'facing' the door and you can click it.


Not always.  If two people are entering at the same time, one of you is almost certainly going to be bounced behind the transition.  And for those that change areas slowly, there is a high likelihood they'll be stuck in the door as it automatically closes.

I've had to rescue Fynolds like five times, and got stuck in the door once myself. :p


I believe this happens on all doors, when multiple people go through a transition at a time.

Nuclear's suggestion has always worked for me. Swing the camera around so that the door is easier to click.

I wonder if this is your issue or something else?


I would encourage anyone who doubts me enter through the door from the outside themselves!  All you have to do is stand there for a few seconds (as someone would if they move between areas slowly), and when the door closes you'll be stuck INSIDE the door.  Not behind the transition, but literally inside the door graphic itself.  There is no way to get free unless someone opens the door for you.

No amount of camera rotating will set you free, you're physically stuck.  I'm sure DrD if he sees this post, can testify to it:  I've had to set him free three or four times.

Dr Dragon

more then 3 or 4 Stephano Montosa used that same guildhouse and got stuck in it to!


Bob been stuck with no one to help and stood there till I logged.


You guys are funny, lol... sounds like a bug then.


Yes, it is a bug.  Hence why I posted this in the bug forum. >_>

I got stuck in there again last night, and had to get Mumed to set me free.  All that needs to be done is for someone to update the mod by moving the way point you transition to forward a tiny little bit.  It should solve the issue.


this does not happen on much doors only really the mendon estate doors, and is extremely annoying. Please fix.


You know sometimes turning your camera doesn't always work. Sometimes you need to zoom in, too. I'm pretty positive this door is one you need to zoom for.  I have never had problems with it.


I will e-kick the next person in the head who thinks we're delusional and somehow making this up. >_>

No, you are physically stuck within the graphic of the door.  You cannot move.  You cannot use the arrow keys to move.  You cannot open the door.  No amount of camera rotating or zooming in or out is going to make a difference, just as if you were stuck on a wall.  The only way to get free is for someone else to open the door, freeing you from being trapped inside its graphic.

For anyone who does not believe that this bug exists, and thinks that zooming in or out, or camera rotating will help, I will be happy to demonstrate the bug as I believe I know how to replicate it.




Um, yes Meldread is right. I sometimes walk in to have the door close while I am inbetween the door, my char gets stuck in between the door as well as behind it alot as well.


I have gotten stuck in that door many times