OOC Quest avoiding

Started by Cruzel, July 25, 2009, 07:56:50 PM

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Quote from: Professor Death;137365That's one I will readily be metagaming in the future - to NEVER take it again, much like Clowns in Sanctuary was for so many people.

Seeing stuff like this makes me sad, when people absolutely refuse to take certain quests for OOC reasons.  If you have a bad rub once or twice It is really no reason to say you will NEVER go on it again, and it is kind of immersion breaking and IMO very silly to see people make up excuses to not go on certain quests just because they don't like them OOCly.  Lizardfolk is another grand example of this. The quest is really not that bad, yet many, many people seem to dread it for whatever reason.

I mean there is really nothing saying you have to do these quests, maybe you're fine with just doing the easy unrewarding stuff. That is cool too. But personally I think it is kind of immersion breaking when an 'adventuring PC' or some big brave guy suddenly turns down some of these tougher quests just because they are harder than harpies. Maybe your PC has a phobia of lizards or something. I don't know and I don't really care.

But I definately encourage people not to avoid the hard quests. You might fight You'll have even more fun on these than you will on harpies. You might not. The point is, if you refuse to try something, you will never know!

Go for it, Go crazy. Try something new. You might even have fun!


"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Sorry but I was one of those guys that died on that quest. I was interested in trying something new. And it just pwned me like it was nothing. I know it is bad to OOC avoid quests but why would anybody do a quest if they die almost automatically? Although the DM gave us pity we still died, and did not get the end loot of the quest.


There is no quest i have done on the modules that is too hard. Challenging to the unprepared? yes. Surprising? yes. If it was too hard the DM's would make it easier. And you hear about people saying, oh this player is so well supplied.. this player has a ton of gold.. yadda yadda.

That players probably also took the risks, had some fun, and even if they died, got rewarded for trying.

Aim big, Win big people.


I fear no quest. Destroy all. Girlie men avoid quests. Girlie men are girlie men.

In honesty though. I've never met a really brave, powerful or even noteworthy pc who made up excuses to avoid a certain quest ooc'ly. If they do, well they are not brave nor powerful I'd wager.

When it comes to "mechanically powerful" (which does not always translate into ic power)characters doing this, I would say: You can have the best sword in the world, but if its too heavy for you to lift it's still going to be useless.


Also this:

Quote from: Equinox;137373There is no quest i have done on the modules that is too hard. Challenging to the unprepared? yes. Surprising? yes. If it was too hard the DM's would make it easier. And you hear about people saying, oh this player is so well supplied.. this player has a ton of gold.. yadda yadda.

That players probably also took the risks, had some fun, and even if they died, got rewarded for trying.

Aim big, Win big people.


Not going to name names, but I see this all the time.  Trying to get anyone to do a different quest outside of a very narrow range is like pulling teeth.  Sometimes its because people OOCly don't want to take unknown challenges, but other times its because they OOCly know what they'll face and decide not to because of it.  On multiple occasions I've had people send tells at me that they won't go because there's a creature that uses death magic(Being vague on purpose to prevent metagaming) on the quest.

And to me that's kind of sad.  Now I'm not saying that I don't expect people to try the unknown with a party they don't think is up to a challenge.  By all means, find a party that your character would trust with their life and give it your best shot.

Just don't avoid everything altogether because you've been OOCly told how hard something is by another player sending along metagamed knowledge to you.

Dr Dragon

If you want to be cowardly in my OP you should just not play an Adventurer.

-The Doc!


I don't know for sure what quest you all died on, and I don't really want to know in case it's a newer one I have not done yet!

That said there are a lot of tough quests out there. One of the most notable being sinister enclave, which I have seen a fair bit of people avoiding based solely on horror stories shared through IRC and tells. I have NEVER been able to find a group to do this quest since the second attempt I made. And that makes me sad as well, because it's not nearly as bad as people think, and the quest is actually very fun.

Just because you die once or twice on a quest doesn't mean you shouldn't try it again. It just means you should take a different approach. That isn't metagaming a quest, the entire purpose we are supposed to 'forget' a quest is so we can try to find new and exciting ways to attempt it rather than just do the same thing over and over.


To be honest, I avoided certain quests (or at least, certain quests with pick-up groups), and I'd continue to do so if I started playing again. I don't have the time to even slog through the sewers or ruins or junk just to get somewhere that I am almost guaranteed to die on (lizardfolk, I'm looking at you). When I come out of a quest with less than I entered, I feel like I've wasted time - something I don't have a lot of any more.

When you have the time to invest in the game, no setback is too big; it can be a challenge, or spun into something interesting and exciting. But I haven't had that kind of time. I have to be able to say "g2g" and log no matter what just about every time I'm on, and if I die before I log every time, I'm not going to accomplish anything.

The way I dealt with this was to essentially leave EFU:A, but I don't think that's what we should be advocating. As long as people aren't interfering with your play, let them do what they want. Let them do what makes them happy, what makes them want to contribute to our player count and maybe to the setting in a non-quest capacity.

As a suggestion: if you want to try rarely-done quests, you don't have only the sending system to organize a group. Use the forums and give people a few days to consider it or prepare. Maybe a DM will even make it special just for you!


I avoid EVERY quest. Sorry Cruzel, I have failed to live up to expectations.

Egon the Monkey

ScottyB said everything I was going to. I remember IC notices made about an Enclave group a week or so beforehand. And Lizardmen's a particular gripe of mine as well as I have fugued due to underwater glitches trying to even *find* the place.

One of the big perks of factions, PC or DM is easy access to a usually competent group that will survive quests, even if you have to abandon it and retreat (which is where pick-up teams often falll into disarray, pushing too hard and TPKing or giving up when more cooperation would lead to a win).

Drakill Tannan

I'm not going to do Orcs quest if i only have half a delight pearl and no gold. Nor am i going to do goblins part 2 with a level 2 fighter.

Asides from that sometimes i don't feel like making certian quests. For example, i love kobolds, and don't like trogs, so they say "hey let's go do trogs" and i'm like no. And i make a sending for kobolds afterwards. It is OOC quest avoiding, but if i want to have fun, correct me if i'm wrong, that is the point of the server, i can't see how anyone could disagree with me.


lfg harpies 2 more


Quote from: Cruzel;137366Go for it, Go crazy. Try something new. You might even have fun!

This seems to be the problem right here. Do you see it? I saw it right away. The "Chance" of having fun isn't as enticing when people see a 89% chance of their character dying. twice. And then dealing with a 2 hour effort to respawn and get back to the city.

Because when that happens, it is like, -200% fun. "I hate this server and don't see the point of even bothering anymore." kind of fun.


There's nothing wrong with OOCly avoiding quests.

Its the reason I can't name the last time someone did Sinister Enclave.

I'd love to see that quest done by a group of people, but not everyone enjoys 3-hour long+ quests that are painstakingly difficult.

EFU caters to a ton of needs, but people avoing scripted quests due to OOC bias is at the bottom of a long list of problems facing the server.
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[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips