Include Bahamut. He's missing.

Started by Egon the Monkey, July 20, 2009, 12:10:16 PM

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Egon the Monkey
Can't find him on either the living or dead deity lists, or the OOC start area Deity Changer. Since Tiamat's in the setting, seems an odd deity to be missing/lost down the back of EfU's couch.

Nuclear Catastrophe

Since we don't have many PC dragons, it's kind of moot.

We could add all these too

But we're not gonna.

I think Tiamat is included because it is the only likely dragon god/goddess that humanoids would consider worshipping, due to the "Cult of the Dragon" that exists.

The few that -might- worship draconic gods (this one in particular) would do so only at the behest of either a metallic or chromatic.  Once you find one of those, we can maybe consider that, but I think you'd rather have the dragon disciple for that respective niche than a cleric.


Well, what if you are a half-dragon? ;O

Drakill Tannan

Maybe add the option of "other" diety when choosing dieties? let's say it unlocks all domains but has to be justified RPwise to one of the DMs.


That would be hell for us.

Fliggin McButton

Disclaimer: While I love this diety, I am not urging his addition because, as Snoteye said, it would prolly be hell to do. What I do suggest is that IF anyone plays a PC of Bahamut, he can just get wanded for spells... if he has spells. Its much simpler. This is merely an information post.

In one of the final 3.5 books, Dragons of Faerun, it was stated clearly that Bahamut is worshipped by humans in Damara. A faction has even evolved from this worship. Cant recall the exact name right now, think its 'Talons of Justice' or something similar.

But again, if someone wanted to play a worshipper of Bahamut and needed spells, wanding IMO would be much simpler than adding him to the server as a whole.


We not only have Tiamat, we also have Null.

And adding Bahamut is as easy as writing "Bahamut 1 0 1 1... 321 123... "my holy symbol" 30". Don't be indimidated by the numbers, most of them correspond to things like "HasPaladins".

The "hell" part would be adding an "others" deity.

If someone tells me what alignments and domains he should have, I can add him in about a minute.


I can only find a 4e article on him. *sad*


Alignment     Lawful good

Portfolio    Justice, Good Dragons, Wisdom, Wind

Cleric Alignments    (just a guess here but... should be accurate) LG, LN, NG
Domains    Air, Cold, Good, Luck, Protection


That should help significantly with making a post about him. I would assume that, as FleetingHeart said, the alignments would be LG, LN, and NG if we adhere to the one step rule. The domains are listed in the article, but FleetingHeart already has them listed.

Fliggin McButton

Actually its a little known fact, but Bahamut is one of those dieties that does not adhere to the 'One step rule'. His alignments are as follows...

Bahamut Worshipper Alignments: LG, NG

End. He tolerates no evil whatsoever, though in the same being he is one of (if not the most) forgiving deity in the Realms.

Egon the Monkey

He does have human followers. It states it in the article and even that he becomes part of the Triad in 4e. It would be cool to see, specifically for Good-aligned sorcerers with draconic blood etc but also generally for PCs.


I've received no indication that it would be alright to go ahead and add Bahamut, but I haven't really asked anyone, either. I'm going to go back to twiddling my thumbs for a while. Peace.


Bahamut is a cool diety. Do not make him in the triad though.


Quote from: ScottyB;136854I've received no indication that it would be alright to go ahead and add Bahamut, but I haven't really asked anyone, either. I'm going to go back to twiddling my thumbs for a while. Peace.

Go ahead and add him. Nobody'll care. >.>