Red vs. Blue

Started by Halfbrood, July 20, 2009, 10:32:22 AM

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I'm posting this generally because I think it's a good OP, and a good discussion. I think it might be worth a re-read! Not that I'm suggesting anybody has a problem with rampant FD, I just think we could all use some refresher reading sometimes, and because I miss wcsherry =((

Spread the love.

Red vs. Blue




You Ever Wonder why we're here?


Stop being a fucking idiot cruzel. I totally agree with hb here, people usually just FD nowadays to keep things simple for themselves. Shit I have probably done the same at some point.


Get Dawn of War 2 and challenge me if you want to fight Red vs Blue.

On EFU:A though, leave it out.

Egon the Monkey

My favourite rivalry was the Talassans vs the Bog Boys, over a period of a few weeks before the Bog Bogs got exiled. Merristan and Koili repeatedly picked fights and beat the gang up (after they subbed Merristan INSIDE THE GUARDHOUSE, awesome one) in an atempt to convert them to Talos eventually by proving that Talos Grants the Power To Kick Arse. All either side did was beat up and IC humiliate the other, e.g painting Talos's symbol across the bog boys' armor and making them walk through down shit-kicked and defeated.

It was basically sparring on a massive scale with huge amounts of shit-talking in between. I'd seriously recommend brawling gangs as a concept for any players looking to get practice in PVP without losing a PC every time you fail. Keeping a rivalry to low-level thuggery and minor robbery can let you pack a lot of action into a short time without having factions fall apart after the first conflict due to casualties. I might try and run this as a concept again in the future.


Speaking of Red Vs Blue, it would be awesome if one faction had a red glow and another faction had a blue glow, and they went at it across the server in an orgy of subdual conflict.


Quote from: Damien;136291Stop being a fucking idiot cruzel. I totally agree with hb here, people usually just FD nowadays to keep things simple for themselves. Shit I have probably done the same at some point.

Dude, that's uncalled for. He's quoting from the Red vs. Blue machinima series about Halo. Even if he weren't, why do you think it's okay to talk like that? Calm down, brosef.


What about Red vs. Red, Halfbrood? :p


QuoteGet Dawn of War 2 and challenge me if you want to fight Red vs Blue.

On EFU:A though, leave it out.

I will crush you in Dawn of War 2. Prepare.

Luke Danger

I agree, just flat-out FD'ing, ESPECAILLY Driveby Ganks, is VERY irritating.

I, personally, prefer to not FD unless there has been some RP. I'll admit, in major battles (usually though, there's RP prior), I tend to set to FD, for two reasons: A: When your in a real battle, MOST of the time you tend to not be trying to avoid killing, and B: I've found that subdual tends to mean easy get-back of enemy PC's if you couldn't take them out fully, thus to put any noticible dent in supplies/gold, you'd have to FD.

I certainly have been poised to FD a few times, and have (once). Usually however, this was after considerible RP and several skirmishes already. One time it was simply because it'd be in-character to do such, thus I tried to make the death with enough RP so it wasn't a driveby (this actually cost me consideribly, as I then got ganked trying to play fair)

So really, if you're going to FD ambush someone, try having a moment of RP before doing the FD and ending that char. If it's IC for your character to FD (IE, a Dwarf and a Goblin) or if there's been enough fighting between you two to justify a FD (IE, Praxes VS Neeshu), then by all means, do it.

But let's try to avoid Red VS Blue, otherwise, Orange might come in and kick both your butts because you FD'd all the good fighters, or most of their PC's.



Drain 'em all, let the gods sort 'em out.


There is nothing wrong with the way things are currently. Someone people FD when they could subdue perhaps, and some people subdued rather than FD when it's deserved.

PvP Karma


I believe that there is more to just FDing somebody when you do that. Remember on why your doing it and if you can rather subdue instead. Think about the moment, and why your doing it.


Those who have already been subdued should stay down and refrain from fighting back as well, I think there has been many situations where characters are only killed because they simply refuse to admit defeat and stay down. Do it for your character's sake!