Star Wars: The Old Republic

Started by 13lackDr4gon, July 19, 2009, 06:42:44 AM

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I hate MMOs

but I <3 Starwars Games.

Conundrum, will, this one have.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


will have to wait until it comes out


Quote from: Random_White_Guy;136159I hate MMOs

but I <3 Starwars Games.

Conundrum, will, this one have.

Did you play Galaxies? Booooring as sin. I tried, I tried so hard. Wasn't worth it.


I tried Galaxies and just spent my time burning around the desert in my landspeeder finding secret places... it wasn't that fun to be honest.


Galaxies made my eyes bleed. Then they made me cry, because they implemented jedi. Then it made me bawl for the jedi that got screwed. Then my eyes bled again because I realized the UI sucked. Galaxies wasn't worth the try to Best Buy, or even the whole two hours I spent with it. The only Star Wars games I've ever really liked were the two KotOR games, which is why I hope Bioware doesn't screw it up.

And, what's with all the D20 jargon? Are they going to take a similar approach on the mechanics to KotOR and 3e?


Quote from: Luke Danger;136157I'm sure they'll make methods of balance, IE: Jedi usually can't wear armor in the games, which leaves their AC to have some desirable things,



I thought there were high notes for this game when it was first announced, but the moment they said that "jedi" was an immediately playable/attainable feature, my hopes plummeted.

It's like they didn't want to replicate the length of time when SWG was good...they just wanted to skip right to the bad part when everyone could play a jedi.


Personally I am far more interested in playing a BOUNTY HUNTER. Bobba Fett best character ever.


This is all I want.


secutor, you post a picture with a jedi just about to cut off his own hand with his lightsaber. Is he Emo?


Looks promising, will check it out.


#25 Behemoth vbmenu_register("postmenu_136208", true);  
Primitive Surface Monkey

Join Date: Jul 2009
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Posts: 34

secutor, you post a picture with a jedi just about to cut off his own hand with his lightsaber. Is he Emo?
Behemoth, they couldnt cut their own hand off to be emo... its lazer the wound wouldnt bleed. He'd be like this is the end.... *zzzz* oh crap! hah.
I think it will be awesome. cept you can never know till your've gotten past vista and the shitty windows.. *sighs*
Im keen as for Republic comando or bounty hunter they'd be better RP than jedi. Cause naturally everyone under the sun will be jedi or sith.  But my bounty hunter will be collecting lightsabers, mwahahahaha!


Quote from: ExileStrife;136186I thought there were high notes for this game when it was first announced, but the moment they said that "jedi" was an immediately playable/attainable feature, my hopes plummeted.

It's like they didn't want to replicate the length of time when SWG was good...they just wanted to skip right to the bad part when everyone could play a jedi.

They want neither of these, if I recall correctly. They don't want to replicate SWG at all- TBH, whilst SWG was an awesome MMO, it wasn't a great Star Wars game, being closer to Ultima Online than anything else. They understand that in a Star Wars game, people are going to want to be doing shit from the movies. Smart business sense, really. I reckon Bioware can pull this off as well as any other- definitely keeping an eye on this.
i walked one morning to the fair


I was under the impression that everyone was a jedi or sith and the non jedi/sith characters were your companion character

Drakill Tannan

So a galaxy where 40% of the population is either a jedi or sith? Not to mentio that 40% are the human players?