Star Wars: The Old Republic

Started by 13lackDr4gon, July 19, 2009, 06:42:44 AM

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you ask the question

but with that signature

I'm not sure what I should say

You've put me in an awkward position, Leetdragon.


Hmm, indeed it is.
You must choose what you say very, very carefully.
Mwahahahaha *mad laughter ending in coughing fit* ...

Nuclear Catastrophe

Not really.  Why, should I be?

Listen in Silence


I dunno, i like star wars.
Merely asking if anyone else is waiting for the game.


Very, very, very tentatively following this. The whole project is so ambitious that I'm extremely worried that it'll just turn into one big dud, but if anyone can pull this off, I know it's Bioware.


The game looks like it'd be great if it were just single-player. But as an MMO? Meh.


Bioware is not that good. I say that this will be an utterly terrible game! And I play NWN only because of EFU:A.


I dunno, an MMO? I couldn't play any sort of setting like that without RP, and I highly doubt there will be all too much of that.


The fate of Star Wars: The Old Republic depends upon not the game itself but people. That is why I think the game will not tank but not succeed.

Also, no.


I love Star Wars, and I reckon this will be great. Hell, I doubt there'll be a great many roleplayers, but once you find a group, I bet it'll be fun. Just like NWN was filled with non-RPers, and it took us all a little while to uncover the awesome of EfU and EfU:A, all it takes is time.

The Boom King

If it's as action packed as the cinematic trailer then it'll be good.
And I daresay there'll be a tad of RP somewhere in it.


You too can be a Jedi Knight.
And you.
And you.
And you.

Will be using lightsabers for q-tips.

Luke Danger

I'm sure they'll make methods of balance, IE: Jedi usually can't wear armor in the games, which leaves their AC to have some desirable things, and they can spend Feats to boost it. Though in KOTOR 2, they DID put armor for Jedi to use...

But regardless, I got a feeling there'll be a number of anti-Force/Lightsaber items in the game that can only be used by Non-Jedi, as well as awsome gear, the same, to keep us mortals able to fight Jedi.

Perhaps Jedi/Sith will suffer ECL or something similar, slowing their powerfulness down so that classes can get the edge needed? After all, it takes more time to train someone to throw things with their mind/deflect blaster bolts/slice off arms with a lightsaber than it does to teach someone how to shoot a blaster.