Moving Neutral NPC Bodies.

Started by Blubie, July 12, 2009, 04:19:47 AM

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How about a script that allows us to do this? It'd be helpful.


Agree. If not for everyone, official people like Stygians, Armsman, retainers and whatnot at least.


Is there a need for this really?


It's complicated. Sometimes its cool for PCs dead caretaker to take care of the dead NPCs, but something they just die randomly and we want to raise them back up.

If there is no distinction between these two, it's hard to script!

Drakill Tannan

Well, at least some way to make them disapear. It's annoying to have to ignore the dead beggar and child result of a level 3 who couldn't handle the sewer rats, especially being a deputy. Makes no sence, yet i have to.


Please, just ignore them.  If it's a situation that is actually involving legitimate NPC death, chances are there's a DM already there.  If you really want to move the NPCs then, it's probably easy to get help.

OOC stuff happens and you should all be able to deal with it.  If you're a guard, and someone is pestering you IC'ly to "Move the bodies you are a guard," kindly send them an OOC tell saying you think it's probably just an unintended NPC death.  Send a DM message too, and we can probably just port over there and raise them back up from their "sleep."


In theory, Strife, that works fine, but in practice, when I was playing a Kelemvorite paladin, I had a crappy time ever trying to get corpses dealt with, to the point where I just gave up and would leave them where they lied.


Some Paladin you turned out to be. :(


Ignore NPC corpses unless you're directly told not to. For practical reasons we don't want them removed (remember what happened if NORMA died).