Rented stall > crash > OMG i lost everything

Started by Macizo, June 29, 2009, 04:41:23 AM

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This isn't so much a suggestion but a plea for suggestions. There was a random server crash just a bit ago when I lost all of the wares I was selling at a rented stall. (I actually do rent them) I also lost the last sale.

I don't really have the kind of high end goods that warrant making sendings and asking people to come check out my wares. It'd sort of be a waste of most of their time, and it's something I don't want to do. My char's been selling sort of the low-middle range stuff that is sometimes helpful for certain individuals who will be way more likely to buy the stuff if they can see the wares.

I realize I could start a for sale thread on the forums, but I was wondering if anyone had other suggestions on how to avoid this. I like the stalls, but may be wary of them from now on.


It's not in par with your question, but if you did lose a -lot- of things you can chat with a DM about the possibility of a character restore.  It's a case-by-case basis thing with no guarantees, but it's an option.


Dropping things on the ground is a totally new fad. It was done occasionally on EfU, but nowhere near as often as on EfUA. Maybe try it the old fashioned way in the future, through barter window and cycling goods in and out of it.


I was present for when this happened, I felt bad for him actually because he had a lot of interest in what he was selling and then it wiped it all out both for him and the buyer.

I'll admit that having the items out in the open makes it much easier for people to shop, it also seems to generate more business with people just casually passing by....sort of like impulse buying.

Maybe there could be an item like a pouch that you have to put all your stuff in to rent the stall. After you rent the stall, you pull the items back out of the pouch and display them. This pouch is saved somewhere on the server at the time of rental (while the items are in it), but is deleted when the claim of the stall expires or the stall is re-rented by someone else. That way there is at least some record of what was being presented for sale in case of a crash.

Just brainstorming here.


While I like the pouch idea, it might be hard to implement. (I have no idea.)

Perhaps when you rent the stall, you could receive a scribable note that you could write on to could advertise your best wares?

This way you could write out the better wares, and leave the lesser wares on the ground where if lost, it's no biggie.

And there's no need for a restore for my character. It's nice to know this is an option under dire circumstances but in all truth I probably lost only 400 coin in goods. This can be made again.